Day 7

Friday June 29th 2012

Morning exercise as usual. me and my chubby frand are in the back of the pack as usual. we did yoga today. I used to be able to do like crazy splits when I was younger but realize now that I'm really not flexible at all.

I found the most awesome place to do my devotions. mehehehe it's like this secret garden place with flowers and couches. yes!!

lately I've been asking for faith because I realize while reading through the gospels that Jesus considers faith to be very important.

Then Jesus answered, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.

The Canaanite woman received because she believed even though Jesus did not plan to heal her daughter.

I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you

This verse was tricky for me in the past. I originally thought...well I can't move mountains, so does this mean that I don't even have faith as small as a mustard seed? but all the sudden I realized that mustard seeds grow. It's not that little faith will move mountains, Jesus wants you to have a faith that grows into this enormous faith that can literally move mountains.

So I prayed. With the little faith that I have, I trust that you will give me more faith. and multiply!

mwahahaha >:) I shall be a woman of faith!

God tends to test you alot sooner than you think. While I was praying I felt my knee tingle, so I was like hmm God going to heal somebody's knees today. Put that thought in the back of my mind.

During afternoon session. Dr. Ben Shin spoke about how important it is to spend time with God. but often times we just don't do it. as he was speaking he mentioned his knee problems (torns acls). mmm very nice...wait a min! oh no no. no don't make me pray for him God TT.TT

then we had a time after the lecture. to spend time LISTENING to God. For awhile now I've been somewhat fearful to listen to God because I might not like what He has to say and sometimes I don't know if it's my own thoughts or His.

ughh.. but I was real quiet and listened. and I kept thinking go pray for his knees. nooooo. long story short. I struggled for a little bit but God must love Dr. Ben alot cause I went up to him and asked if I could talk to him. and he said sure meet him outside quarter to 3.

I have 15min. and as I was waiting until 2:45 I kept praying if this is Your will then I will be victorious. but whether his knees are healed or not the point is I need to learn to submit and obey.

God told me not to just go up to him and say something like "in the name of Jesus be healed" but to get down on my knees and pray longer. pray specifically that he would be able to run around with his two young sons.

So I told him what's up. why I wanted to talk to him. prayed for his knees in the way God wanted me to. and then after I finishes praying he walked around, did some bending, and said they felt better! oh! yay. and he also told me that lately his biggest worry was that he wouldn't be able to play with his sons because of his knee problems.

mmm...good things happen when you submit to God's voice. as I spend more time with Him, His thoughts will become my thoughts. and then I won't have to hesitate and be like was that me or God?

For night service Pastor John Parker gave his testimony and of course talked about submitting our lives to God's will.  He grew up cynical towards God because of his circumstances, later became really rich but felt really lonely and empty, got into a lethal car accident, survived and surrendered his life to God. became a pastor and loved it. and share how God has been so faithful to him.

what a great testimony.I think the biggest miracle is the transformation of a human heart.

hope that there will be alot of epic transformers style heart changes here.

