Day 21
Friday, July 13 2012
Ahmahgahhhh today was so awesome ^___^ lots to share
well the day actually started off as a failure.
snoozed like 5 times and missed morning prayer.
morning exercise: all my progress I've been making in
running....and I choose the alternative power walking group TT.TT
I also got killed today in the assassin game TT.TT for our safety
we had to wear "capes" (tied my hoodie around my shoulders like an
ahjumma about to play golf). so I did that but another requirement was that we
had to act like we were flying. mmm.....i forgot....and it cost me my life.
For morning and afternoon sessions Dr.Bae shared about our health
and brain. Honestly my eyelids were very very heavy today. at one point I
licked a minty gum wrapper and stuck it on my forehead. which actually will
keep you awake!
for 10min...
but I learned some useful insights about healing. Have courage,
confess, be humble, submit, and ask. And lately a theme that has been coming up
is having a mind like Christ. Must pray about this because my mind is full of
distractions and ridiculous thoughts.
I’m doing this thing where I want to meet and eat with all the
girls in my family group individually. Today I had the honor of eating with
Nara. Mwahaha this is where what I learned about healing became very useful.
Nara said she had pain in her ankle and she’s been wanting to ask me to pray
for her.
First step. If someone asks then they already that the faith to be
healed. Now I also learned today that back in the day there was a lot of
healing in order to affirm the gospel. But Nara is already a believer so why
would her ankle need to be healed? She could just deal with the pain.
This is what I told God. See Nara is a believer but she also wants
to have a strong faith. And this healing would increase her faith and give her
the courage to reach out to people on her campus and share the gospel. So by
healing her it’s indirectly affirming the gospel. That and God loves her
So we come before God with courage and I submit our request to Him.
And sure enough her ankle feels better. And then she’s like not just this ankle
but both ankles. And I was like wahh? Both of them hurt? So then I lay my hands
on her ankles (today during lecture we also prayed that our hands would be used
to love and heal) and this time I spoke to her ankles. I said that Nara’s body
belongs to God and in the name of Jesus Christ it better not give her pain
Nara twirled around her ankles again and she was freaking out
because it felt a lot better, but not yet 100% so we prayed for it again. And I
was totally seriously commanding those ankles with all the authority and power
I had in Jesus Christ that they better not give Nara any more pain and that the
pain would not come back.
And then it was completely better and we were jumping up and down
and hugging. It was great. God is so good. Not just saying it, but now we have
experienced it.
After dinner we have about 20 min before our evening service.
During that time I was singing the song “Let it Rain” because it’s been stuck
in my head since my morning shower. And Grace was in the living room playing
guitar and I asked her what her fav song was. And she said “Worthy is the Lamb”.
For some reason I asked God that we would hear those two songs during service/prayer
Before the message, the staff does something surprising. They lead
us outside and there are water basins and towels. Oh snap they are going to
wash our feet. It was such a humbling and touching experience. People were
crying, soft twinkly music playing in the background. And then all the sudden
you hear…
“Hey I just met you, and this is crazy…” oh no….right now there’s like
a Bring it On style cheer camp thing that’s going on this campus. Hundreds and
hundreds of cheerleaders, and they are blasting Call Me, Maybe during this
super serious moment.
I feel so bad, but it’s horrible and funny at the same time. Ah…no
further comments.
Evening message was so good. P.Josh spoke about living a life as a
servant of Christ. We are called to encourage, intercede for, be an answer,
love, serve, receive ministry, and harvest people.
Two stories that P.Josh told that I def want to share.
A medical missionary in Africa made a journey to town with a lot
of money to buy medicine. On the way back from buying the medicine a gang came
up to him and told him that they wanted to become Christians. The medical
missionary asked them why, and they told him that they knew that he was
carrying a lot of cash and wanted to kill him and rob him. While he was
sleeping in his tent, they planned to attack him with their machetes, but then
they saw 17 giant men dressed in white around his tent. They were so afraid and
ran away.
As the medical missionary was sharing this story to his
congregation, a member stood up and asked him when that situation took place. It turns out that around that time, the
member, who stood up, was playing golf when he had a strong feeling to pray for
protection over the missionary. The member quickly called other members of the
church and rallied them into a prayer meeting to pray for the missionary. After
the member shared this with the congregation, he asked for the other members who
were at the prayer meeting to stand up. In total there were 17 men.
Whoa….that story gave me super chills. P.Josh then shared another story
of his mission trip to Mexico. The way he told it was really good, but
basically to sum it up (so sorry P.Josh doing injustice to your story) he met
this guy named Poncho, who apparently used to go to church but stopped going
because he was getting demonic attacks. P.Josh had a burden to talk to this
guy, but the problem is Poncho doesn’t know how to speak English and P.Josh
doesn’t know how to speak Spanish. P.Josh found this girl to help translate but
then in the middle of their conversation she left to eat dinner. P.Josh trusted
that the LORD would help him continue the conversation, and they ended up
talking for another hour , Poncho surrendered his life to Christ, and P.Josh
prayed for him. It wasn’t after P.Josh returned to his hotel that he realized
that they just had a supernatural conversation because although they did not
speak each other’s language they understood it in their native tongue.
Lesson: when God places a burden on your heart. Go for it. And
trust Him.
Afterwards we had our three hours of prayer. In the beginning it
was hard for me to get started because I felt so frustrated with myself. I felt
so disobedient and selfish. So I sat there like ughhhh. But then in the
background music I began to hear that song “Worthy is the Lamb” and I
remembered what I prayed for earlier. So that encouraged me a little and I was
thinking man it would be crazy if they also played “Let it Rain”. And. oh yeah.
few songs later I heard… “Let it Raiiiiiiiinnn, let it raiiiiiin, open the
floodgates of heaven” and I got this warm, tingly feeling and I felt so much
better, knowing that God cares for me that much to answer such a simple,
seemingly meaningless prayer.
Then Grace came up to me and told me that God told her to pray for
me. And we prayed together to break off the fear of man and to obey God.
Prayer really works fast sometimes. Cause from that moment on I
spent probably the next 2hours? Going around and praying for the people that
God was placing on my heart and they were really touched by it. And so was I.
The time just flew by.
I also made peace I guess with something today. I haven’t really
shared this with a lot of people. But for the past year I’ve had it in the back
of my mind, that maybe God is preparing me to become a pastor’s wife. And then
I had a lot of people tell me that. And then especially this year when my
pastor INSISTED several times that I am meant to be a pastor’s wife. I was like
oh my…..well I already surrendered my life to God so if I am to become one then
okay…but I didn’t want to think about it at all.
But today as I was praying, I began to think about it. And I
realized wow…I think I would actually find joy in being a pastor’s wife and in
fact there’s probably nothing else I’d rather do.
Fun fact: my mom’s greatest fear is me becoming a pastor’s wife.
Aha…isn’t life so funny. Can’t wait to see how things turn out.
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