Day 31

ohhh the glorious Monday is here. waking up at 5:50am again
I actually tried medium-hard today during the running and workouts. cause workouts we did fighting moves (punches and kicks) mwahahaha I wanna be a street fighter.
but oh was so ridiculous. a bunch of asians in a field early in the morning. shouting and punching the air. it looked like such a stereotypical asian fighting practice movie scene.

I really really liked today's lessons. morning session was about INTEGRITY. it's been such a huge theme of GLDI. because a leader without intergrity is asjgsaljgwajgajflkjfwifwu. impossibru!!
so many people's reputations, legacies, ministries are destroyed by even one wrong dishonest move. so we need to develop such a strong character because our actions flow out of our character.

Dr. Kim also talked about taking ownership. CONVICTION. so much conviction for me to take ownership of my campus. my campus belongs to God and it's mine too mwahahaha. for me to pray for Dr. Hrabowski (President) and my professors and my friends/classmates. Rebekah don't forget that today you made that commitment.

soooooo today Gloria and I weighed ourselves after lunch and we almost passed out when we saw the numbers. TT.TT I thought I was supposed to lose weight during GLDI but I gained weight.
Gloria made a strict diet for us (basically it's just no eating desserts except on Fridays) and also I have to eat salads for lunch in addition to my meal. aghhhhh rabbit food. I almost caved today during dinner cause they had german chocolate cake. but Gloria and Diana wouldn't let me....TT.TT oh first world problems.

but anyways speaking of world problems. Dr. Os Guinness spoke about standing fast in faith in the Global era. it was really good but towards the end I got really distracted because I wanted to draw an eagle. so I was really into my eagle drawing and not paying attention - though I'm still able to catch the important things.

after Dr. Os Guinness's lectures we are required to answer reflection questions. and as I was answering the reflection question on the challenges we face in this world. it HIT ME so hard. like BAM.

God has really been speaking to me about standing firm. and I had this feeling that something was going to happen on my campus in the fall. and then while I was typing out my answer to the question it became really clear. I got really nervous and excited about it at the same time.

There is an issue that will really divide those who are for Jesus and those who are against Jesus. During these times the pressure will become even greater - to stand firm in God's word or compromise to the secular view. we who stand firm will face "persecutions" (of course not nearly as severe as the Christians in other parts of the world) but nonetheless we will be attacked for our beliefs. but we must not be ashamed of the gospel.

I was getting nervous but God gave me alot of hope. He said that He will use this issue to uncover the struggles within the church and also to unite the believers. In addition, this is an opportunity to increase our faith and for us to finally be able show that we are willing to "die" to something (our reputations) for the sake of the gospel. He also told me to develop strong relationships and demonstrate His love - this will protect our relationships despite our differences in beliefs. in all this God is in control even though it seems like chaos and His name will be glorified!

I pray that God would have mercy on all those around me who are against Jesus. If what I believe is wrong and what they believe is right, I have nothing to lose. But if what I believe is true and what they believe is falsehood, then though they have nothing to begin with, what they do have they will lose.

Secondly I got so convicted to read the bible. I know it's something so simple but we don't do it enough! how am I supposed to be the light and salt of the world, to be able to interpret the times without reading the scriptures.  I like to think of myself as a battery. without charging myself with the Word, I have all the capacity but no power.

things are going down. be prepared.

