Day 20
Wahhhh it's already Day 20 the halfway turning point of GLDI. tomorrow we are having service from 6:30pm until 1am! so basically we'll be praying for more than 3 hours. so excited. Oh LORD sustain us.
Still alive in the assassin game. but did not get to "bless" anyone today. mwahaha wait until tomorrow >:)
morning exercise: I did not even come 6th to last today. but 7th to last!! whoooooo. advancing at rapid rates. until we did the indian run -.- i almost threw up again and had to power walk in the back by myself.
Today we learned alot of practical things like time, money management and honoring God with our bodies.
For time we learned that a leader should be diligent, wanting to get everything done, and planning ahead.
AHAHAHAHA......why is that so opposite of me. I don't even know what I'm going to eat for lunch that day, I go with the flow, and do things at like turtle speed. wow....
I made a commitment though today to spend less time sleeping. so when I get back home to only sleep 7-8hours. I think my mom was very happy when I texted her that. Apparently the my youngest sister has been following my bad sleeping habits by waking up in the afternoon. ^^"
our family group also made commitments to spend at least 2 1/2 hours a day alone with God. the thing I noticed about God is that He blesses us in a way that is so different from our own logic. so for example, the more time we spend with God, we seem to be less busy not more busy.
and also for money management. the more money you give away, the more money you seem to have. I am a living testimony of this. God always gives me an overflow of money. and then I give it back to Him and give it to others, and He gives me more! :) what a beautiful cycle. God should be the master of our lives not money. He doesn't want us to worry about money and be unfruitful, but for us to trust Him completely because everything belongs to Him in the first place.
just wanted to show a creeper pic of the speakers for money management. Dr. Sid and his wife Dr. Donna. they both teach together, and they are missionaries in their 60's but look so young and happy! wow...truly two people who are not stressed about money. seriously I could not pull off that blue dress and heels...
the honoring God with your body message by P.Josh really convicted me to live a life of purity. I remember back then I kinda wanted to rebel because I didn't want to be that "goody" Christian girl. But NAHHHHH. to all the ladies out there. don't aspire to be like society, but have society aspire to be like you. Staying radically pure in this society is the most respectable and cool thing. stand firm in your beliefs. I seriously want to go back and tell this to teenage Rebekah. so thankful though that God can use anything for His glory.
lessons we learned today. don't compromise and have faith in God. cut out anything that will cause you to stumble and flee from tempting situations. I realized a bit too late that God tells us to do all these things truly because He loves us. when we disobey Him we're only hurting ourselves...
I really liked the story that P.Josh shared about him and his wife. they managed to date for 7 years! and saved their first kiss for the day of their wedding.
He shared that his wife was so strong. and when he threatened to leave her (because she wouldn't kiss him) she was like okay leave. and then he was like oh crap...went and apologized and his respect for her shot through the roof. ladies. don't. ever. compromise. if a man really respects you, he'll respect yo body.
we got our exams back. for the first time in GLDI history nobody failed the exam! mmm prayers have been answered. mehehehehe love taking exams. ya knoww mmmm got a 106% (including extra credit)
We had a fun sharing time during family group and I'm really starting to love these girls :)
they even motivated me to go to morning prayer tomorrow at 5:00am ^___^"
as a leader....i must go......TT.TT
goodnight. (truly appreciate sleep)
Still alive in the assassin game. but did not get to "bless" anyone today. mwahaha wait until tomorrow >:)
morning exercise: I did not even come 6th to last today. but 7th to last!! whoooooo. advancing at rapid rates. until we did the indian run -.- i almost threw up again and had to power walk in the back by myself.
Today we learned alot of practical things like time, money management and honoring God with our bodies.
For time we learned that a leader should be diligent, wanting to get everything done, and planning ahead.
AHAHAHAHA......why is that so opposite of me. I don't even know what I'm going to eat for lunch that day, I go with the flow, and do things at like turtle speed. wow....
I made a commitment though today to spend less time sleeping. so when I get back home to only sleep 7-8hours. I think my mom was very happy when I texted her that. Apparently the my youngest sister has been following my bad sleeping habits by waking up in the afternoon. ^^"
our family group also made commitments to spend at least 2 1/2 hours a day alone with God. the thing I noticed about God is that He blesses us in a way that is so different from our own logic. so for example, the more time we spend with God, we seem to be less busy not more busy.
and also for money management. the more money you give away, the more money you seem to have. I am a living testimony of this. God always gives me an overflow of money. and then I give it back to Him and give it to others, and He gives me more! :) what a beautiful cycle. God should be the master of our lives not money. He doesn't want us to worry about money and be unfruitful, but for us to trust Him completely because everything belongs to Him in the first place.
just wanted to show a creeper pic of the speakers for money management. Dr. Sid and his wife Dr. Donna. they both teach together, and they are missionaries in their 60's but look so young and happy! wow...truly two people who are not stressed about money. seriously I could not pull off that blue dress and heels...
the honoring God with your body message by P.Josh really convicted me to live a life of purity. I remember back then I kinda wanted to rebel because I didn't want to be that "goody" Christian girl. But NAHHHHH. to all the ladies out there. don't aspire to be like society, but have society aspire to be like you. Staying radically pure in this society is the most respectable and cool thing. stand firm in your beliefs. I seriously want to go back and tell this to teenage Rebekah. so thankful though that God can use anything for His glory.
lessons we learned today. don't compromise and have faith in God. cut out anything that will cause you to stumble and flee from tempting situations. I realized a bit too late that God tells us to do all these things truly because He loves us. when we disobey Him we're only hurting ourselves...
I really liked the story that P.Josh shared about him and his wife. they managed to date for 7 years! and saved their first kiss for the day of their wedding.
He shared that his wife was so strong. and when he threatened to leave her (because she wouldn't kiss him) she was like okay leave. and then he was like oh crap...went and apologized and his respect for her shot through the roof. ladies. don't. ever. compromise. if a man really respects you, he'll respect yo body.
we got our exams back. for the first time in GLDI history nobody failed the exam! mmm prayers have been answered. mehehehehe love taking exams. ya knoww mmmm got a 106% (including extra credit)
We had a fun sharing time during family group and I'm really starting to love these girls :)
they even motivated me to go to morning prayer tomorrow at 5:00am ^___^"
as a leader....i must go......TT.TT
goodnight. (truly appreciate sleep)
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