Day 17

Daniel Bay our original morning exercise trainer is back with full force. Running. came 2nd to last today mwahahaha. but then we did indian run later. agh..after the first lap I was reduced to doing indian power walk. and then I threw up a tiny bit in my mouth. mmm acidic....

we are playing ninja assassin. so far I have survived the day. I shall get my victim soon. gotta be patient. aha this game is so twisted for a Christian camp. I found somebody's name today and gave it back to the owner. slightly tempted to snitch on him and form an alliance. but ya knoww learning to be a woman of integrity.

in relation to integrity. the speaker today Dr. Joanna said something that convicted me to the core. we should be the same person no matter who we are around. I tend to be a total chameleon. my personality changes depending on the people I'm with. but I need to learn to be myself and not care about what others think.  though I should probably develop a strong character first...

yeah working on that...

she also said that we should spend some time with God in SILENCE. so no bible reading, no praying, just listening. I went outside in the sun and tried this with the verse she gave us Matthew 11:18-20. the one about my yoke is easy and my burden is light. I was really meditating on this, especially as a new leader. it was very comforting. read it over again. prayed it over my life. and then time for silence. listening. listening...

next thing I know I'm waking up to my alarm. whaaa the.....ahhhh?! I fell asleep! time 2:15pm. I've been sleeping for the past 40min. epic fail. I shall try this listening thing again tomorrow.

before the afternoon session. I use the bathroom and when I look in the mirror. gasp! the skin in the tiny opening of my hoodie is totally sun-burned. -.- but how is it that my face is still so pale.
I pull the string on my hoodie real tight to hide the sun burn. I look so dorky.

afternoon session was fun because we go over our personality traits. I'm an INFP and a golden retriever. which means I'm a healer, good listener and very loyal.  but only to people I like....aha

During dinner I spotted my assassin victim. and even had a conversation with this person. mmmm don't even know that I'm out to get you. mwahahaha >:)

on the way back from dinner. I saw the campus security officer riding his segway. and I just happened to think aloud. I want to ride that. and he heard me. and he went to his office, got an extra helmet, and actually let me ride it!! ahhh so fun ^_____^ mmm...wish I could bring that thing to morning exercise.

For evening session Pastor Josh Kang spoke about following God's calling and trusting in Him. so true man.  Pastor Josh shared with us a story about his roommate Han. Han was a buddhist, and P.Josh tried to share the gospel with him, but Han did not want to hear it. This went on for awhile, and finally at the end of the school year, P.Josh felt convicted to pray and fast for Han for three days. On the last day, he shared the gospel with Han again, but Han could not receive it because he did not want to dishonor his mother. However, later Han called P.Josh telling him that he could not shake off the gospel and he prayed for God to reveal Himself to him if He is truly real. that night Han had a vivid dream of Jesus Christ. from that day on he had an insatiable desire to know more about Christ and he read the bible from cover to cover. When Han told him mom that he became a Christian, she sent him to a mental hospital and even disowned him, but still Han knew that Jesus Christ is the truth and would not renounce his faith in Him.

I was so touched by that story and during the time of prayer, I got the impression that I should truly pray and fast for my campus more when I get back, and specifically for certain people. DON'T FORGET Rebekah!

Led my first family group discussion afterwards. I like what Yunski (staff) said at our prayer meeting before: it's not like we were chosen as leaders because we have any special skills or abilities, God chose us to love them. and at the end of the two weeks can we say to God, I have loved them with my best ability.

I hope I can say yes.
LORD have mercy on me and overflow Your love.  

