Day 19
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Felt so loved by God today :) He knows me so well....
still in the assassin game. "blessed" another person today >:) coming for the rest of them soon.
Morning exercise: I actually feel like I'm getting better at running! ya know casually jogged the whole mile today without stopping mwahahaha. I think I came in 5th to last. Watch out world, Rebekah So is catching up.
Today was a real chill day. We only had one morning session and the rest of day free time/writing letters/small group. our morning session was about the gift of singleness. P.Ben Shin who was single for 41 years!! shared with us some great insight.
1) the person you marry should make you twice the man/woman of God
2) you are ready to marry when you have a consistent/stable relationship with God
3) highly highly insist that you should not be in a relationship with someone who is not spiritually mature b/c this person will bring you down no matter how strong you think you are
4) being single = you have a lot more freedom
5) marriage will not get rid of loneliness. take care of those issues before you get married
aha he also suggested that we should marry within the church. aha. aha. I either have to move churches then or pray for a miracle. (aha...hope the guys at my church aren't reading this. nothing personal)
I really liked this message of singleness though. I looooooooove being single right now. it's really freeing cause all I have to focus on is my relationship with God. mehehehehe.
A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek Him to find her.
we were supposed to fast and pray during lunch. and write letters to people we have hurt, asking them to forgive us. I decided to take a nap. hehe. but then right when I was about to take a nap. a voice in my mind told me to get up and right a letter this person. so I got up wrote the letter. and I was writing wow....I was stripped away of all my pride, realized how horrible I had been to this person, and I was bawling and weeping. The letter had so many tear stains on it.
I realized that there is soooo much left of me to uncover. God has been revealing something new about me each and everyday. Lately He has really been teaching me to be considerate of others.
After I write the letter, I continue on with my nap. plan to wake up in 45min, but then it turns into another 30min, and then another hour, and the next thing I know it's past 3pm and I have to go work on our Nation Building Project.
Our Nation Building Project is basically solving all of Haiti's problems....yeah you can just imagine how that is going right now. need some super heavenly wisdom for this.
as I mentioned before God has been teaching me to be considerate. cause in the first part of the meeting I was trying to get the other groups to help my group. but then later I realized that it would be better if my group helped the other groups. mmmm......nice..
during family group time we got to share our letters and pray for each person. I really appreciate our family group time. it's really taught me to depend on God and let Him take over the discussions. I also found out that more than half the girls in our group knows how to play the guitar so we got some awesome worship in our family group time too.
afterwards Cathy (staff) lets us leave campus for an hour and go to Milk and Honey. this cozy and cute bingsoo (shaved ice) place. and I get green tea bingsoo.
cool thing is this. at the beginning of this post I mentioned that God knows me so well. well two days ago I was day dreaming about green tea bingsoo and I wrote it in my notes that I wanted some.
and today during morning session I mentioned outloud that I was really craving a hamburger. and guess what we had for lunch today. hamburgers. fresh off the grill.
oh how He loves us so... :)
Felt so loved by God today :) He knows me so well....
still in the assassin game. "blessed" another person today >:) coming for the rest of them soon.
Morning exercise: I actually feel like I'm getting better at running! ya know casually jogged the whole mile today without stopping mwahahaha. I think I came in 5th to last. Watch out world, Rebekah So is catching up.
Today was a real chill day. We only had one morning session and the rest of day free time/writing letters/small group. our morning session was about the gift of singleness. P.Ben Shin who was single for 41 years!! shared with us some great insight.
1) the person you marry should make you twice the man/woman of God
2) you are ready to marry when you have a consistent/stable relationship with God
3) highly highly insist that you should not be in a relationship with someone who is not spiritually mature b/c this person will bring you down no matter how strong you think you are
4) being single = you have a lot more freedom
5) marriage will not get rid of loneliness. take care of those issues before you get married
aha he also suggested that we should marry within the church. aha. aha. I either have to move churches then or pray for a miracle. (aha...hope the guys at my church aren't reading this. nothing personal)
I really liked this message of singleness though. I looooooooove being single right now. it's really freeing cause all I have to focus on is my relationship with God. mehehehehe.
A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek Him to find her.
we were supposed to fast and pray during lunch. and write letters to people we have hurt, asking them to forgive us. I decided to take a nap. hehe. but then right when I was about to take a nap. a voice in my mind told me to get up and right a letter this person. so I got up wrote the letter. and I was writing wow....I was stripped away of all my pride, realized how horrible I had been to this person, and I was bawling and weeping. The letter had so many tear stains on it.
I realized that there is soooo much left of me to uncover. God has been revealing something new about me each and everyday. Lately He has really been teaching me to be considerate of others.
After I write the letter, I continue on with my nap. plan to wake up in 45min, but then it turns into another 30min, and then another hour, and the next thing I know it's past 3pm and I have to go work on our Nation Building Project.
Our Nation Building Project is basically solving all of Haiti's problems....yeah you can just imagine how that is going right now. need some super heavenly wisdom for this.
as I mentioned before God has been teaching me to be considerate. cause in the first part of the meeting I was trying to get the other groups to help my group. but then later I realized that it would be better if my group helped the other groups. mmmm......nice..
during family group time we got to share our letters and pray for each person. I really appreciate our family group time. it's really taught me to depend on God and let Him take over the discussions. I also found out that more than half the girls in our group knows how to play the guitar so we got some awesome worship in our family group time too.
afterwards Cathy (staff) lets us leave campus for an hour and go to Milk and Honey. this cozy and cute bingsoo (shaved ice) place. and I get green tea bingsoo.
cool thing is this. at the beginning of this post I mentioned that God knows me so well. well two days ago I was day dreaming about green tea bingsoo and I wrote it in my notes that I wanted some.
and today during morning session I mentioned outloud that I was really craving a hamburger. and guess what we had for lunch today. hamburgers. fresh off the grill.
oh how He loves us so... :)
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