Day 39

Today we got a whole day to have TAWG (time alone with God)
like 8 hours of free time basically!!

here at GLDI we learned how to manage our time wisely...
yet I don't know how time just goes by so quickly for me. like literally I don't know what I did in the last 8 hours that made it go by so fast. I planned to catch up on reading and other things. but here's what I remember from my day.

I went in to do an interview (with video cameras and everything)
apparently what I said was good but my eyes kept doing crazy wandering while I was talking.
here's the final video. puahaha my voice is in it, but not my face

then I had talking time with Dr. Kim and I told him how I wanted to blow up counseling (in a good way) and I told him what his wife told me ahahaha (what she thought about secular counseling)... and he was like what?! he has never heard her use that kind of language before... mmm I feel so special...

I also told him about how I learned in government class in high school about how Alaska is one of the wealthiest states in this nation...which surprised me back then cause I thought all there was in Alaska was snow...and then I asked him (since he was the economic advisor to I believe two? of the governors in Alaska) if he had anything to do with this. he explained to me about oil and fish and other things, but then he smiled, eyes twinkling, and said "maybe"

I am blessed that this very accomplished man laid down his life for a bunch of college students. I hope that I too would have God's favor on my life and that I would prosper in whatever I do and that everything and everyone around me would be blessed. soar on eagle's wings. shhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa

and then I was supposed to spend time with God. but I ended up mmmm "resting" in His presence. literally.
I cleaned my room ahaha. and then I was like lemme just lie down on my bed for a min. and next thing I know I'm waking up for dinner.

For evening session Dr. Kim spoke about how he overcame cancer (the rare kind of lymphoma). he also wrote about this in his book Winter & Me. check it out.

but so I was sick for a day and I made a huge deal about it...I can't image having to go through chemo and other painful things for an entire year. but he was able to endure the pain and fight it with God's strength. and although people around him were dying and his chance of living wasn't likely.
he knew he was going to live.

because apparently during that time. God gave him a vision for GLDI.
and he knew that God's visions always come through.

GLDI. I wonder why God really wanted this institute to be created. and maybe years from now I'll realize how blessed I was to be a part of it.
