Day 14

Today was the best morning exercise day. we split the guys and girls. the guys played football while the girls did stretches and learned a dance routine. mwahahaha oh why are we so coordinated and attractive...

It's Jeremy's birthday today! happy birthday Jeremy. we were all walking back and he was like, show us the dance routine. and I was like, oh no it might make you guys stumble. and then he said, have you girls seen yourselves?

-.- what the heck. aha but it's true. all in workout clothes with crazy morning hair and no make up faces. ladies don't pay any attention to him this is when we are the most beautiful in our all natural, wild states.

P. Bill gave his last lecture on Romans 9 today. wow it was amazing. though most of the time my eyelids were super heavy and the room was spinning because I was so tired. I like P.Bill because he truly speaks from the Father's heart. he speaks into our true identities as saints no longer slaves to our sinful natures but made new in the righteousness that comes through the blood of Jesus Christ! amen. even though we are not yet in our glorified state, God sees us in our glorified state because He is above time.

He went on about how God is in a different dimension because He created time. and then he said something quite interesting. this is how I truly know that the Holy Spirit lives in the believers. when we all start thinking the same thing. A couple months ago, I had this revelation about time as I was reading the book Heaven is for Real. if heaven is in a different dimension: an eternal one. then technically we are actually in heaven now worshiping God with all the other saints in our restored heavenly bodies.

mind blowing... I can't think about it for too long because it'll hurt my brain. but yeah that's basically what P.Bill also said. but he added something else. that we should live our lives backwards. so for example imagine yourself years from now, what you'll be doing, and then live as though that will surely happened and you are working your way towards it. i don't know it's too much. haha can't think that deeply.

I do this other thing as well. sometimes if I'm going through a difficult situation, I set reminders for myself in the future on my phone calendar to pray for me in the current date (so I'm praying for myself in the past). this Rebekah already knows what has happened and she knows how to pray for the situation. and since God is not bound by time, He can answer prayers in any way. it comforting to know that future Rebekah is praying for me now. and when I pray for the Rebekah in the past, it's quite interesting. don't know how to explain it.

basically the lessons of the day: God loves us so much, He doesn't see us the way we may view ourselves, we shouldn't limit Him, and we won't be able to understand everything, but that's okay.

our exam (written exam TT.TT) is tomorrow and they tell us our consequences if we get below a C: we have to go over the questions with P.Shin AND TWO HOURS of grueling morning exercise.

ohmaigat. I have new motivation to study!

we're supposed to have alot of free time today (no evening session). I plan to spend alone time with God, catch up on my readings, study, and go to sleep real early :)

but then! we have new leaders training for 2 hours. oh wow...already lots of responsibility and sacrifice. but it's okay what an honor. I shall lay down my life for my family group.

I really really am feeling the love in our family group. instead of studying we played bunny bunny and that ting ting ting tang tang game. Sarah and Nara both got three strikes. punishment: 10 seconds of tickling. gangsta style. pin down arms and legs. it sounded like we were sawing them open by the way they screamed.

Today one of the guys TS (i think his real name is like taesung? idk) he changed my life. Apparently everyone here has heard him talk about "his lady" ahaha i guess his fiance back in Korea. He believes that she's his soul mate and he talks about her all the time. literally he glows when he talks about her. and says things that make us both squeal and cringe. ahhhh but it's really a too much disgusting way. we're all really happy for him though.

so I prayed today. that I would love God even more than TS loves his fiance (if that's even possible). I want to genuinely love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, strength. to have that glow. to talk about Him all the time. to be filled with that kind of contagious joy.

I'm excited. cause I know that God will def answer this prayer.

