Day 28
Today Coach Dave convicted me with his story of how the 80 years old grandpas that he plays volleyball with wear tube socks on their arms and give their best effort.
I tried so hard (or harder than usual). ran harder. even held the plank position for 30 whole seconds. if the grandpas can do it. grandma Rebekah can do it too.
I also felt convicted today to skip breakfast to pray because so many crazy things have been going on lately. there are two funerals tomorrow, two people in the hospital, and then I heard about the Colorado movie theater shooting. man this world needs some true hope.
I apparently got a little carried away...because next thing I know it was 8:43 (need to get to the lecture room by 8:45) and I literally sprinted as fast as I could there and made it. it If I had gotten there only 15 seconds! later, we would have had Sat morning exercise. o.O thank you LORD.
for the afternoon session I noticed the girls in my family group were missing and I was freaking out cause I thought they were late. but it turns out that today felt really burdened and down. so they got together and had a prayer meeting. I think there is some crucial spiritual warfare going on. praypraypray
I literally have nothing to write about the lectures because for some reason I couldn't pay attention to any of them. I do remember Coach Dave sharing with us though about his experience as a teacher. he has so much passion for teaching. I hope that I'll have that kind of passion for something.
as I was eating dinner with Grace today, I realized I do kinda have a passion for something. I really like it when people trust God and I like sharing stories of His goodness. it makes me bubbly.
May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make His face shine on us—
2 so that your ways may be known on earth,
your salvation among all nations
but for now I know that food is among my passions. during our Haiti group meeting. I was drooling over this shaved ice place, Guppy House, that is 12min from here (I googled mapped it and everything). I have definitely gotta try this place. got this pic from google images.
don't worry. I did more than that. I also made a Haiti song (over Call me, maybe)
Hey I just met you, And this is crazy
But here's our website, Donate to Haiti
after our group meetings. whatever sulky moods my family group members may have felt went away instantly with late-night Ramen and us pushing out our bellies and pretending we were pregnant.
I won the competition.
I'm not sure whether to be proud or convicted to do more ab workouts.
ahh so fun. reminds me of the days in Korea. I've been praying lately that GLDI would be the best time of my life. for the past year I've always felt that Korea was the best time of my life and nothing would ever compare to it. but God is good! I think He wants to move forward. the best has yet to come :)
I tried so hard (or harder than usual). ran harder. even held the plank position for 30 whole seconds. if the grandpas can do it. grandma Rebekah can do it too.
I also felt convicted today to skip breakfast to pray because so many crazy things have been going on lately. there are two funerals tomorrow, two people in the hospital, and then I heard about the Colorado movie theater shooting. man this world needs some true hope.
I apparently got a little carried away...because next thing I know it was 8:43 (need to get to the lecture room by 8:45) and I literally sprinted as fast as I could there and made it. it If I had gotten there only 15 seconds! later, we would have had Sat morning exercise. o.O thank you LORD.
for the afternoon session I noticed the girls in my family group were missing and I was freaking out cause I thought they were late. but it turns out that today felt really burdened and down. so they got together and had a prayer meeting. I think there is some crucial spiritual warfare going on. praypraypray
I literally have nothing to write about the lectures because for some reason I couldn't pay attention to any of them. I do remember Coach Dave sharing with us though about his experience as a teacher. he has so much passion for teaching. I hope that I'll have that kind of passion for something.
as I was eating dinner with Grace today, I realized I do kinda have a passion for something. I really like it when people trust God and I like sharing stories of His goodness. it makes me bubbly.
May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make His face shine on us—
2 so that your ways may be known on earth,
your salvation among all nations
but for now I know that food is among my passions. during our Haiti group meeting. I was drooling over this shaved ice place, Guppy House, that is 12min from here (I googled mapped it and everything). I have definitely gotta try this place. got this pic from google images.
don't worry. I did more than that. I also made a Haiti song (over Call me, maybe)
Hey I just met you, And this is crazy
But here's our website, Donate to Haiti
after our group meetings. whatever sulky moods my family group members may have felt went away instantly with late-night Ramen and us pushing out our bellies and pretending we were pregnant.
I won the competition.
I'm not sure whether to be proud or convicted to do more ab workouts.
ahh so fun. reminds me of the days in Korea. I've been praying lately that GLDI would be the best time of my life. for the past year I've always felt that Korea was the best time of my life and nothing would ever compare to it. but God is good! I think He wants to move forward. the best has yet to come :)
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