Prophetic Word Transcribed

Requested for a prophetic word through Gary Morse Ministries

Received it on 2/20/16 Saturday. I broke down when I heard it because it was so accurate and it felt like God was speaking to me directly. I've received prophetic words/ words of encouragement before, but it never really hit me the way this one did. I was really touched to hear God's words for me. sounds kinda weird, but the thought that came to me was that I really missed him. I never knew that I could miss God, but I missed him so much. it was as if after many years without contact, I finally got a phone call from him. Not sure about the part of the transition towards the end but I'm excited and hopeful for the months ahead.

Here it is transcribed exactly from the audio (imagine a man with a Southern accent):

Rebekah you are in a tremendous season of great transition and change. There was a time in your life when certain things happened, I'm just getting a picture now where you, your lives and those some people you were close to, your heart was connected to, lives went in different directions and at times there is you missed, there's times of sadness, even times of, you experienced some deep grief, but the LORD was there, he strengthened you and rose you up, and he carried you out from that place, and he set your feet on solid footing. I can also tell you that this last past season has been very trying for you, but the encouraging word for you is this, and I said it at the beginning - Joy.

The LORD said, I have heard your prayers, and your cries, and I know the things that you hold dear in your heart. And the LORD wants me to let you know and encourage you Rebekah that those prayers are about to become answered. They're like things stored up in a chest that has been shut up and locked and you tried so hard to get into the chest, but it wasn't the season, but I see a lock coming off of it, and it's not by your doing, it's by the hand of the LORD. He's removing the lock, and he's beginning to open the lid, and the LORD says in your eyes is gunna be filled with wonderment. I see you embracing loved ones. I see a reconnect as it were of some loved ones.

Also wanna encourage you and let you know that several things are about to take place and change in your life. I wouldn't, if I were you, I would not want to hold on to any one thing. I would give everything, just submit it all to the LORD because things are changing all around you. New plans are about to be revealed to you says the LORD. The LORD says I'm going to be revealing new plans. The LORD says for you Rebekah to get ready between now and the month of May or June. The LORD says I'm gunna begin touching your life with small blessings, each and everyday, or even during the week. And the LORD says do not look for them, the big monumental blessings, but the LORD says look for me. look for me in every detail of your life. each and every day. get a notepad and a pencil because see that's what you're good at. you're good at writing. get a notepad and pencil. and begin writing down what you hear. begin writing down what I say, says the LORD because I'm gunna begin revealing to you new revelation, new information. and I'm gunna begin bringing you out of the old and I'm gunna bring you into a new territory where your joy is going to be full. where your joy is going to be full. Amen.

Get ready. things are shifting. there's even gunna be somewhat of geographical shifting. you're probably thinking geographical. what does that mean? does that mean maybe where I live and how I live. well it very well may be but you know what. i don't know the details about that. only God does. you'll have to get that answer from him. and the best way to get that answer is don't hang on to nothing. don't say I don't wanna do that. you just say whatever you want from me because you created me and you know what's best for me. and you just surrender it all. and then the Holy Spirit will begin downloading the rest of the things. and he'll begin connecting the dots and you'll be blessed because of it.
