Day 18

Wow today....was an awesome day. so filled with valuable lessons.

During morning exercise today. I came 4th to last in running! ahhh so happy I am improving. I'm totally going to be like Mulan and get fit by the end of GLDI.

The assassin game is getting cray cray. But luckily I survived another day and I "killed" (we now refer to it as "blessed") someone today. mwahahahaha. I'm coming to "bless" all the others. >:)

I loved, loved today's lessons. very relational. it was about anger management, forgiveness, conflict management, and honoring your parents. oh man where do I even begin.

1) When you vent your anger to others it becomes a suffocating smoke, but when you vent it to God it becomes an incense.

2) When you are angry at someone or just annoyed with them. PRAY FOR THEM.
it actually works....ahaha. Also think and say nice things about them. FORGIVE as you have been forgiven

3) When you are saying sorry to someone. don't make excuses for your behavior. just apologize, take responsibility, and ask for forgiveness.

4) Kindness leads to repentance. A kindhearted woman gains respect.

5) Take God very seriously. take others seriously. but don't take yourself so seriously.

6) Honor and obey your parents

7) Make a commitment to do all these things and follow through.

All the sessions were really awesome. but the one that really touched me the most was the evening session about honoring our parents. oh man truly, truly I have been the worst daughter. I've gotten better now but I was real terrible since my trouble making kid days to my sophomore year in college, and especially in my pre-teen years.

P.Josh was talking about his daughter and how his daughter leaves him cute notes like "dad i love you, hope you have a great day" stuff like that.  

okay let me practice. texted my dad: Todays sermon is about honoring and appreciating parents. Thank you for everything ^__^

He texts back: You didn't fall into sleep, did you?


I look at P.Josh hair. his hair is all black. no stress from his wonderful daughter. he's not much younger than my dad. only a few years. but my dad's hair is almost all white. so much stress from the terrible, former rebellious, non affectionate Rebekah daughter.

Oh LORD forgive me. Oh parents forgive me.

my mother too. I was probably even more terrible to her. during the prayer time afterwards I was bawling. none of that beautiful tear streaking down my face. it was like wahhhhhhh, wish I did not wear mascara.

I wrote this letter in my notes page.

Dear Father,
Thank you for my mom and dad. I hope that me, Gloria, and Grace can be the best daughters for them. But even more LORD I pray that they would find their joy and meaning in You. I am not that dependable, make many mistakes, and disappoint. But You LORD never fail! You are far greater than the best daughter.


Don't forget.

