Day 26

Wednesday, July 19th 2012

Alarm goes off at 5:15am for our prayer meeting. I turn it off....
next thing I know Nara comes to into my room and is surprised that I'm still in bed because it's 6:05.
we have to be at morning exercise by 6:10
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! whyyyyyyyy. I don't even have time to brush my teeth TT.TT
so sad...the leader is running to morning exercise. barely making it on time.

Today we are fasting lunch. and so I plan to eat this humongo breakfast. but I feel God calling me to fast breakfast and pray for someone. TT.TT so convicted. yes. this person should be more important to me than a bagel toasted to perfection with cream cheese.

Morning session speaker is Dr. Paul H. Kim I don't really remember much about what he said. but I did really like how he was wearing these yellow cowboy boots. wow...never seen a korean old man wearing cowboy boots- especially bright yellow ones.

yellow cowboy boots

Afternoon and evening sessions were awesome. Jenn Ball spoke about our strengths and how we can use them for God's purposes without anything holding us back. my strengths are adaptability, empathy, connectedness, input, and belief.

During the time of prayer she told us to listen to God and ask Him which strength that He wants us to develop. and I never expected it to be belief, one because it seemed so simple and two because it was the last one on my top 5. but I got the impression that I need to have a faith that is unshakable. that when people judge me, I won't be ashamed of what I believe because I know with all my heart that what I believe is the truth. God doesn't want me to be a wishy washy lukewarm believer, but one who would be willing to die for what I believe. then people would start wondering.

one of the greatest words ever said to me was when I was talking to this guy who hated talking about religion. but initiated an hour and half conversation with me about God (he's also not a native English speaker so it took alot of effort). and at the end of the convo, he said - I know that what you believe is the truth because I can see that you truly believe in it.

I'm learning to trust in God and really listen to Him instead of relying on my own understanding. especially when choosing the next leader for our family group. I'm down to two people.

While I was praying for which one I should choose. God reminded me of how He chose me even though I'm not perfect by any means. When I checked my fb later I saw that my sister messaged me this STORY

It's really good. and the end it said this
Looking back on all the things God has allowed me to do, I am still amazed that God chose to use me. My desire, my heart, is to finish the race and to do it well. It is important that we not only run the race, but we finish well.

I believe in the next leader, because I know that God believes in her no matter what other people may think. And I hope that she will lead us to finish the next two weeks of GLDI well. 

