Day 34
Thursday, July 26th 2012
Wow...GLDI is already coming to an end. I feel like I'm just getting used to the pace and getting to know everybody. ackkkk. but I'm kinda excited to go home and sleep in :)
Today's post is going to be kinda short. I just want to focus on Dr. Kim's testimony.
In a previous post I mentioned that I want to BAM! change the field of Pyschology, especially the way that people do counseling. aha I love how Dr. Kim's wife put it "it's a bunch of bs"
but in order to do that I need to have some credibility in this field. because honestly even though Psych is my major I know nothing about it except Sigmund Freud. and everybody knows about Freud.
the reason for this is that I hardly ever study. goes back to my middle school years when I was so sick of being the nerdy one in school and people copying my hw/tests that I made this act of being ditzy. unfortunately it kinda stuck to this day....but yes it's true I'm secretly really smart. so that's how I'm able to get through school. relying on natural intelligence and refined test taking skills. but I don't learn anything, I just know how to get good grades.
Dr. Kim's story broke my heart because he would walk 2 1/2 hours to his lectures and 2 1/2 back. not only that. he never missed a lecture. he had such a passion for learning. I, on the other hand, complain that I have to walk 10 min, have skipped so many lectures and during lectures I play phone games or doodle. He studies his butt off, one time he wrote this study guide: 200 pages per review question. total it was thousands of pages of his own notes. wow......................I get frustrated if I even have to write one page.
I'm doing this thing where I try to think of everything in a positive way. so Dr. Kim's story I hope instead of making me feel like crap. I want to remember it and be motivated everytime I don't want to study (well first I actually need to get the textbook for the class to study cause most times I don't ^^")
I really don't want to waste the gifts and talents that God has given me. And I'm thankful for Dr. Kim's testimony but I'm also thankful that I went through this period of lack of motivation because I know that my ambition to study is a holy ambition: honestly I don't care about my reputation (I actually didn't want people to think I was smart) or achievements. Also really smart people tend to be socially awkward, but I got to develop my social skills ^___^ God doesn't waste anything.
It's time to bust out my thinking cap and bring out the studious asian in me. so that the gospel may take over the field of Psychology. because only God can bring true healing and transformation from the inside out.
P.S. I broke the no icecream except on Fridays rule. they had green tea icecream and I literally jumped over couches and knocked people out the way for it. as my family group members were yelling at me not to give in. much for commitment
but keep me accountable! and pray for me please. don't forget Rebekah. this is a commitment that you actually need to keep.
Wow...GLDI is already coming to an end. I feel like I'm just getting used to the pace and getting to know everybody. ackkkk. but I'm kinda excited to go home and sleep in :)
Today's post is going to be kinda short. I just want to focus on Dr. Kim's testimony.
In a previous post I mentioned that I want to BAM! change the field of Pyschology, especially the way that people do counseling. aha I love how Dr. Kim's wife put it "it's a bunch of bs"
but in order to do that I need to have some credibility in this field. because honestly even though Psych is my major I know nothing about it except Sigmund Freud. and everybody knows about Freud.
the reason for this is that I hardly ever study. goes back to my middle school years when I was so sick of being the nerdy one in school and people copying my hw/tests that I made this act of being ditzy. unfortunately it kinda stuck to this day....but yes it's true I'm secretly really smart. so that's how I'm able to get through school. relying on natural intelligence and refined test taking skills. but I don't learn anything, I just know how to get good grades.
Dr. Kim's story broke my heart because he would walk 2 1/2 hours to his lectures and 2 1/2 back. not only that. he never missed a lecture. he had such a passion for learning. I, on the other hand, complain that I have to walk 10 min, have skipped so many lectures and during lectures I play phone games or doodle. He studies his butt off, one time he wrote this study guide: 200 pages per review question. total it was thousands of pages of his own notes. wow......................I get frustrated if I even have to write one page.
I'm doing this thing where I try to think of everything in a positive way. so Dr. Kim's story I hope instead of making me feel like crap. I want to remember it and be motivated everytime I don't want to study (well first I actually need to get the textbook for the class to study cause most times I don't ^^")
I really don't want to waste the gifts and talents that God has given me. And I'm thankful for Dr. Kim's testimony but I'm also thankful that I went through this period of lack of motivation because I know that my ambition to study is a holy ambition: honestly I don't care about my reputation (I actually didn't want people to think I was smart) or achievements. Also really smart people tend to be socially awkward, but I got to develop my social skills ^___^ God doesn't waste anything.
It's time to bust out my thinking cap and bring out the studious asian in me. so that the gospel may take over the field of Psychology. because only God can bring true healing and transformation from the inside out.
P.S. I broke the no icecream except on Fridays rule. they had green tea icecream and I literally jumped over couches and knocked people out the way for it. as my family group members were yelling at me not to give in. much for commitment
but keep me accountable! and pray for me please. don't forget Rebekah. this is a commitment that you actually need to keep.
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