Day 7

Sun Feb 27th

Rise and shine. time to go to church!
find out that church service doesn't start until 5pm? what the...

lunch with chadwick and chris
hotdog. delish
chili fries. mmmmmm

it is raining and windy outside....
my hardcore christian dedication.

at least i have an umbrella i say.
open my umbrella. within .0005 sec if flips inside out because of the wind.
i feel like i'm treking through a hurricane.
i have to wear my booties with heals cause all my other shoes have tiny holes on the bottom cause i drag my feet.
ahhhhhhhhhh i am sinking in the mud.

church service was ehhh...very for old people i guess. but it was still good i guess.
afterwards pizza and sandwiches :D
and cake!
pizza good. cake good. sandwich not good. weird pototae and cucumber and tomato sandwich!? my nightmare...

afterwards try to order delivery from mcdonalds.
i know they deliver mcdonalds!!! shweeet
chris says he will buy me a happy meal if i order in korean.
ring ring. i get so nervous. first thing i say when the lady picks up is "uhh... can you speak engrish?"
she says in english -__- "no, i'm sorry i cannot help you" hangs up..
ughhhhh. i guess its instant noodles for me....

do laundry with Cheeia. while we're waiting for laundry we play tetris.
WHY DO I SUCK AT TETRIS SO MUCH. no matter how hard i concentrate i always get demolished.
even on rank 3 -_____-
tetris you are my weakness.
i like poker but friggin computer wont let me play :{

i read an article on yahoo after i gave up on stupid tetris.
basically saying NK plans to eliminate Seoul into flames.....
well this is very reassuring.
i daydream about the invasion. and make my evacuation plan.
there is a secret door on the ceiling of my bathroom.
i want to open it but i'm afraid the grudge girl will pop out...
but i hope its a secret passage way if the nk's ever invade my dorm building.
