Day 31
in my dream i slept through my alarm.
and then floated over to a farm and was petting sheep
and riding on these these giant chubby rabbits
then i'm woken up by my real alarm.
ughhhhhhh 10:30am so hard.
i can do it. i can get out of bed.
i already missed the first hour of class so i have to get up for the second hour.
sneak into class.
do hand motion communication with james across the room.
yes! he remembered to check my name on the attendance sheet.
give him big smile and heart sign.
yeah i think he got my message of gratitude.
for the next hour of my politics class.
its discussion and asking questions. ahh i hate discussions.
whole time i filled my notebook page with my analysis of Political Science majors.
its pretty long but here's some snibits from it.
"Polisci majors...act like they are all smart and nerdy but they are crazy freaks (in terms of hardcore partying)
Country is going to run by these people...oh my.."
"Polisci majors love to criticize/ argue. if there is no arguing they will die"
"Polisci majors love speaking/asking questions...I wonder if they are actually interested in the answer or if they just want to sound smart"
"Polisci majors are the masters at bsing..."
btw. i'm no longer a polisci major :D decided to change to psych 2 days ago
i made a chart of how i'm totally the opposite of a polisci major. don't know why i kept it as my major for this long..
Me Polisci majors
objective pretend to be objective only to argue their biased views
super chill overachievers
try to be honest full of bs
go with the flow leaders/make change
need motivation highly motivated
hate speaking love speaking
don't like arguing love arguing
after politics its my wed lunch with cheeia!
i get lots of garlic bread. love garlic bread <3
and we girl talk.
girls think too much. we need to stop that.
then its off to Topics.
end up only get one wrong on the quiz :D
chad (the white boy) is the only one who gets zero wrong -__-
grandma teacher is all like oooh i'm so impressed you get to go on a date with me.
i'm very sad. i want to go on a date with her too!
i express my discontent. and she says i can tag along too.
korean class with stone face!
before class erick and i make a bet about the sweatshirt.
(erick told stone face that her sweatshirt was cute and she's been wearing it for the past 3 classes)
i say she'll wear it again. he says no.
loser buys a shanghai chicken burger. (apparently the most delicious thing?)
she decides to break the trend today. awww man.....
erick knows his ladies too well...
erick knows his ladies too well...
today in class we actually get to play a game!
we're all into it and tied with the other team.
and then my team wins by one point cause the girl on the other team accidently blurted the answer for us.
and now her team hates her. but we love her.
and i love her cause she's so silly. haha that's like something i would do. but i didnt.
cause i didn't know any of the answers...
anyways i suggested the losing team buy us banana milk. nice.
after class i get a text from erick.
he was being a trouble maker again today
and he says the teacher talked to him after class
and asked him why he talks to me so much and if he likes me.
oh em gee......seriously she is so..ahhhh..she's gunna fail me o.O
i will sit very far from erick next class...
for dinner the c's drag me along on their conquest.
wait for chris to fix his phone.
and then we go to pizza hut!
everythang was so spicy! i was dying.
there's this guy who worked there who looks like that pottery cute guy from boys over flowers!
ahh he's so cute :D
i was giving him my water cup to refill and he shocked me. and i said ow! and he said oh sorry ^^"
ahh that is what i call electrifying chemistry right there. best 5 sec of my day...
after dinner
help chris pick out shoes. get so happy when people buy things.
then workout time!
(walking on treadmill for 20min cause i did not have my personal trainer today...)
oh yeah i said i'll mention this...
so hopefully you saw the heinous pic of me jay drew on the napkin from the previous blog.
and the masterpiece pic i drew of him.
well mister jay! today gets the sniffles and decides to "accidently" blow his nose on my masterpiece drawing...
the injustice...
i have been awake for more than 15 hours now.
so i really must sleep. good night :D
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waiting at the phone place for chris. pre-picture trying to make my eyes bigger |
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