Day 15
Wake up in morning feelin like...
pressed snooze every 15 min from 8:30 am to 9:30am
this pokemon alarm tone is getting super annoying.
couldnt sleep last night. this only happens to me like once a year.
so i stayed up watching sermons on youtube.
some good stuff. paul washer and ravi zacharius look them up. PREACH it brother AMEN.
brother paul taught me how to pray.
reason behind every prayer should be to advance the kingdom of God.
If you hadn't noticed already I talk alot about God.(i also talk alot about food but that is just for decoration!)
I'm going to come out and say it that's really the main point of this blog.
I'm not gunna try sneak it in every update.
This is who I live for. This is why I live. For the gospel.
If you don't like it (AHEM my two best friends) :[***
don't read it. i wish i could say i hope God has mercy on your souls.
but i know that's not true. For a just God cannot overlook sin.
That's like a corrupt judge letting criminals get away.
Repent my friends. I write this blog for you because I love you guys.
I am here to serve my Lord and to serve you.
yep yep :D
but yeah....back to record keeping.
i'm out the door off to the subway so i can pick up my alien registration card!
cheeia has class so i am on this adventure alone.
worst. decision. ever.
i have got to be the most directionless person ever.
first. i get off at the wrong station.
wander around for 30min. call everyone. nobody knows how to get to the immigration office.
finally give up and ask the taxi driver to take me there.
trying to say immigration office in korean is the hardest thing.
ummmmm waegukin (foreign people) go opeesuh (office). confused look. green card?!
i am puh lum america!
thankfully the taxi driver is smart and he finally figures out what i'm saying.
after i pick up my alien registration card i find out how to get back to the subway.
while i'm walking a korean lady asks me where the immigration office is (i know how to say it now in korean cause the taxi driver taught me)
i point to the right direction like a total pro.
ughhh how is it that i can give directions to a place that i couldn't find.
Subway ride should only take like what 40min?
shall meet cheeia back for lunch 12:30 before my 1:00 class.
miss the subway stop again -_____- get off in the middle of nowhere
get back on. get off at the right stop. exit the wrong exit -_____-;;
by the time i find the right exit the time is 12:30 oh crap.
running running running. thighs burning. glutes are on fire.
i run like a deranged chicken. this is so embarassing.
another lady stops me for directions to the subway!
i'm native korean level now. oh the irony.
make it back at 12:50. had cheeia order food for me before.
inhale my lunch (turkey club sandwich) and head to class.
i am never on time.
my korean topics professor. is the cutest old korean grandma.
she randomly mumbles things in korean. and is super bad with technology.
i just want to shrink her and put her in my pocket.
next korean language. okay here is my plan i am going to go back up to intermediate!
my intermediate teacher wont let me -___- i say sung sang neem (teacher) PLEASE!
but she abandons me and literally pushes me out the door.
Plan A epic fail. now onto Plan B.
i try to switch to the other beginner class but it is full.
Plan B. negative
now i am stuck with this teacher and i think by my 2 dramatic performances the teacher just might be able to tell that i dont want to be in her class.
this is going to be a great semester.
during break i walk into my old intermediate class and sell my workbook on the spot to this girl like a total g.
made $15 today. mmmmhmmmm.
sigh...its gunna be gone by tonight. food you kill me
barely awake. down 2 cups of sugar with coffee
Scene 1
me singing "Be my guest" in my opera voice.
Scene 2
me making a dance routine to "Run to you" and bouncing around my room
meet up with the girls and the C's (C's = chad and chris from now on) for dinner
iiiiiiiiiiiitttttss CHICKEN NIGHT!
i can eat more chicken than an authentic black person.
mmmm fried chicken wings, yanyam (flavored) chicken, and garlic chicken.
ppppkaaawwwwk.pawk. pawk. pawk
after chicken. dessert at Lotteria!
icecream sundae :D
but it fat-free icecream-___-
i want that fatty stuff.
me and gina take our sundaes and make a snowman out of it. pwahaha.
on the way back to the dorm.
people give us starbucks double shots and tells us that Jesus loves us.
this is very encouraging :]
on the way back to the dorm.
people give us starbucks double shots and tells us that Jesus loves us.
this is very encouraging :]
skype with my brother from another mother Leechad.
then i shall pass out in a milasecond.
goodnight :D
yamyamyam! |
BR icecream cake |
my icecream cake |
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so tired today... chawick's sneak pic of me |
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