Day 2

Tues Feb 22nd

Had a nightmare last night. Not good. I tried to scream in my dream but I couldn’t. don’t remember why I couldn’t scream.

Woke up expecting to feel refreshed. I look at the time it is 7:30 in the morning -_____- ugo my ego why am I awake?!
Try to go back to sleep but fb is more tempting. Stupid fb…..

I hear a doorbell. I have a doorbell? Shweeeettt

It is Chad. He says lets go to orientation. We have orientation today???
I am so glad that Chad and Chris are here to remind of these kinds of things…
I am in my pajamas! Ahhhh the fastest getting ready ever.

Orientation = feels like freshman year all over again. Meet new people ladadada oh hi hi yes nice to meet you. Yes I will forgot all of your names in 3 2 1. Gone from my memory.

So many announcements and presentations…..cant take it much longer….
Tkd show. I wake up. Soo cool. High kicks and breaking apples in midair.

After orientation lunch time!
Chad and Chris want pancakes. Cool cool. 40 min walking distance. SO NOT COOL.
I mean there are like a million places to eat around campus. And we trek across the world for pancakes?!!

The most delicious pancakes ever. Probably because I was famished.
on the menu also said BIG SAUSAGE. Giggle giggle… immature chris and chad

the big sausage was tasty.
Ahhh I cant even type that with a straight face. Haha

after orientation. We have another orientation -___-
they try to make it fun by playing “games” like find the book in the library
this is not cool…I’m about to pass out I’m so jetlagged.
We play more games. A little funner. I meet nice new friends. So good at making friends :D
Everyone I met knows I love TOP already….
I wish everyone also knew that I love God…

After orientation there is another orientation.
Korea is all about orientations…
More presentations. Oh moh nah.
We split up into groups to go eat dinner.
I lose my group. I WOULD lose my group….
But its okay because two other girls are lost.
And now they are my friends :D
This is how I make friends…
We find another group and they take us in and feed us

Then we go to the bar. First Korean bar time.
Its quite nice and chill. Dance floor is non existant like ultra bar.
But its cleaner and no shee-gum-chees creepin on ya. Nice.

Call it a night at 10pm. HAHAHA.. ahhh blame it on the jet lag…

Fall asleep in a milla second.
