Day 4

Thurs Feb 24th

Rise and shine. What time is it? 7am. Again?! Ughhhhhh
Try to go back to sleep but decide not to cause I don’t have an alarm clock.
I gotta meet up with Chris to get the alien registration card.

Chris flakes on me -___-
I look in the mirror. I look like a gee-shin. Red eyes pale skin. Mmm gunna make lots of friends today.

Now I am fully awake. Get a call from Sarah about the cooking orientation today.
Mmmm cooking does that mean food?? Okay I shall go.

At the cooking orientation we learn how to make bibimbap.
But it was more like me dying of hunger while they did the demonstration waiting to finally eat the bibimbap.
Bibimbap = so good.

I will wear my Yonsei sweatshirt today.

Time to get a phone today. Oh goodlies. This should take like what 30 min at the most?
2 and a half hours later. I’m still at the phone shop translating f or all the international students.
I should work here….

Literally at least 30 people today asked me where I got my sweatshirt. I should get paid to advertise this sweatshirt.
Feel like I’m doing so much to help the Korean economy today…

Now time to get my picture taken for my alien registration application.
The Photo shop is undergoing reconstruction..
No one is affected by this because they already brought their photos from home.
Who packs passport size photos? Toothbrush check. Shampoo check. Passport size photos check?
Apparently everyone but me….

This seems like a fail day. Let me just head back to the room and take a nap.
On the way I get stopped by a group of super fob guys. They are talking to me in rapid Korean asking me where the blahblah is by the blahblahblah?
I don’t think my blank look is enough for them. 
After they do more hand waving and blahblahblahs and pointing.
I say “Please stop! I am not from here. I barely know how to get to the dorm.”
I think they finally get it…

Mission: must find more ways to look less fob.

So excited for nap time. But as soon as I get back to the dorm I get a skype call.
It is from my cousin Christina. And the UMBC study crew. At the library of course.
I wish I could transport myself to the library. I love them <3
Ryan brags about his Korean food skills and on top of that Patrick star and Christina are eating my fav munch munch munch snack Cheez-its.
I get suupper hungrayyy. I must eat NOW. Or I will disintegrate.

I recall Chad and tell him that our dinner plans are to be moved up to now.
Eat pasta today :D so good and spicy? Yumyum what in the world?! There is a full baby octopus in my spaghetti?? Chad pressures me to eat the whole thing in one bite. I’m so weak-willed. It was chewy.

I am on my food rampage. Still hungry. Get a cheeseburger.
Go to the convenient store and get a box of Choco Heims. WHY did I do that.
The box is empty in 10 minutes….4.5 servings my butt…

FOOD COMA. Ooh my bed looks so nice and soft. Just lie down for little bit. Eyes getting heavy. Gone…

Wake up to phone call. It is Cheeia asking if I’m going to the bar party tonight. Uuuhhh I am so tired. But I will not be a grandma today…
What time is it? Oops I was supposed to go with Chad but I overslept.
Cheeia says to meet her at the lobby in 20 min. should I get ready or sleep?
Mmmm yes 20 more min of sleep.

Going to the bar wearing sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers. Hair in ponytail. Mmmm HOT STUFF.
All the girls are dressed so sexy. Ehh…….

Chill time. Dance time. Chill time. More dancing. Trying to have conversations during chill time. End up just yelling over the music what? What?! What?!!!!

I am too old for this…..
Sometimes I think I’m a grandma stuck in this body.
All I keep thinking is that this is not what living is about…
Thankfully Cheeia is old too. And also likes to sit.

Hopefully I will meet more friends in Korea who also like to sit.
And eat.

I give in to my grandma instincts and leave the bar early with some Australians.
We are all half-deaf from the music and talking so loudly in the streets.
Hehe the Australians are so cool and funny.
I tell them that their accents sound the same as British people. They highly disagree.
I make them talk in British accents. “Would you like some scones.” “Ello gov’ner”
Yeappp…sounds the same…

 We walk past an alley and there are some gangpae ahjushis in black suits doing some shady business.
I warn the Aussies to watch out for the gangpae ahjushis. Do not borrow money from them.

Feel so good in my pajamies :D
Good night
Uh oh…I realize the weekend is coming up. If the kids here party like this during the weekdays…the weekend must be super crazy. Ahhhh the grandma in me is so tired..will I be able to survive the weekend…

                                                                yonsei hoodie

                                                           like to keep my frands classy..
