Day 28
there is no rising and shining this morning..
cause i'm still awake from last night
cannot sleep crammed in this room
with all this whispering AHEM ;D
steal jay's iphone and kill zombies :]
and then add to the whispering with some quality life talk with emma.
9:20am start to fall asleep
cause the girls next to me woke up and left
and now i can stretch my legs! yay
9:30 am. about to enter the sleep world
when someone turns on the lights
and tells us it's time to leave.
get on the bus and fall asleep as soon as it departs.
wake up cause someone is screaming about how its snowing?
and then i think the bus almost got into an accident..
or am i dreaming...
the bus drops us off on campus but its so far from the dorms..
i'm day dreaming about riding back to the dorms in a taxi.
tehehe that would be so cool.
and then! there is taxi right in front of me
run to it with some random other genius girls with the same idea as me.
taxi driver is so nice and drives us to our dorms.
shweet. traveling around campus in a taxi. only in korea.
i tell the driver we love him.
he tells us we are pretty ^^
i hope not in a creepy way....
get back to the dorm and wait for my other slowpoke frands to come.
me, emma, and jay decide to order mcdonalds.
ohhh yeahhh in korea they deliver mcdonalds.
the awesomeness...
mcdonalds messes up our order.
but its okay. cause we get tons more food!
3 big macs, 3 fries, 16 chicken nuggets.
nice. but i'm so depressed because i cant eat that much!
cause my Foreign Toilet Syndrome has been in effect these past days.
such a good topic to discuss while eating...
i am going to stay awake today.
and not nap so it doesnt mess up my sleep schedule!
make plans to eat waffles with emma and jay
and go to the movie night avatar thingy in our dorm with cheeia.
skyping with richard so i dont fall asleep.
i haven't pulled an all-nighter since middle school.
tell richard i'm not even that tired though.
literally 5min later it hits me...
richard is telling me some crazy murder/ cannibal stories.
mmm cut up people and refrigerator mmm i see i see.
yes let me just listen over here on my bed.
oh dont worry richard i'm still listening....
yamyamyam...drifting off.
i doze off and wake back up and then doze off again.
richard is still there...
and he is playing the guitar and singing me songs :D
LADIES. he is available ;]
tall, korean guy, sorta hipstery.
let me know if you are interested.
cheeia calls and i tell her i cannot get up.
then jay calls and i tell him the same.
i think he really wants these waffles so he says he'll call me back.
yeah there is no way i'm getting out of bed....
wake up and its 1am. CRAP.
so many missed calls ^^"
sorry guys....
i cannot overcome sleep.
feel like eating
so jay and i hit up our 24 hr convenient store.
get late night ramen like a typical korean student
and have some good bro time with jay.
someone needs to bash his ego. its gotten way to high with everyone comparing him to taeyang
then we fb stalk people on the lobby computer.
scope out the lobby like every few min
make sure the person we're creepin on isnt right behind us
i feel like i shouldn't be telling people this...
aghhh its 5:12 am.
hopefully after some youtube vids.
i'll be able to fall asleep again.
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they deliver mcdonalds! |
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