Day 12
Wake up to the sound of someone slamming a door.
slam slam slam. what the......
slam slam slam. i think its shut purdy well....
slam slam slam. ugghhhhhhhhhhhh what time is it???!
1:30pm?? oh hehehe ^^"
well thanks for waking me up mister who slams doors.
take a shower and then plan to eat before class.
somehow i manage to waste like 3 hrs doing who knows what.
i have a great ability to make time go by doing nothing.
end up running to my 4:00pm korean class and being late.
this is the first time i've skipped a meal.
i'm dying from the starvation. my head hurts i cannot take another second of this class.
during break i ask the teacher if i can go down my korean level from intermediate to beginner.
yeah...i'm a superstar slacker
i'm move down to beginner with this other girl Yoori.
I thought the intermediate class made my head hurt. but the beginner class is making my head explode of boredom. and why do we have 4 textbooks -___-
so not cool.
teacher says i cannot go back. but i shall create a scene on monday.
take me back teacher pleassseeeee. jehbal! i will be your star pupil.
i have it all planned out in my head.
after class i sprint to the nearest place to eat.
Cafe kkini with sarah.
ocean fried rice. i love shrimp <3
shrimp shrimp shrimp.
i also love banana milk.
after dinner. power nap before the club.
ughhhh club...i'm too old for the club but its free tonight and its our "orientation party"
so i guess i shall go.
there is a cute guy here btw. the only cute guy i might add.
he wears black converses. and that is the only thing i know about him for sure.
i tell the girls it is our mission tonight to find the mysterious black converse guy!
club ofcourse so typically not fun.
i am sleeping 90% of the time.
sitting on the couch sleeping. the girls drag me onto the dance floor.
sleeping while i'm dancing (they think i'm all into the music closing my eyes)
i'm too old for the club. cheeia yells at me cause she's older than me...
i have a young body but really i'm an 80 year old grandma i explain.
run away and find somewhere to sit. end up making some Mongolian friends and trying a banana flavored electronic cigarette.
they ask me what school i'm from. Yonsei
they make fun of me and call me Yonsei babo. cause they're from our rival school Korea.
we have a song for the Korea students too. I will step on you and squish you like a bug.
they are not my friends anymore...
observing the people at the club
and the atmosphere in general.
its a very sad place in my opinion.
this is where the lost go.
when this life is all you have though
i guess you want to have fun while you can..
me and sarah are sick of the club so we head out.
but then we must go back in to drag out the other girls.
they are not picking up their phones.
the club people wont let us in unless we pay $20 -____-
must use my ninja skills.
at the opportune moment i slip by 3 of the door guys.
i feel like they are chasing me.
run into the crowd. tie my hair and take off my jacket.
mwaahahaha i'm so secret agent.
get a call.....the other girls just came out.
all that life-risking work for nothing -___-;;
we wait for a cab.
finally a cab pulls over.
and then someone steals it from us!
life experience. now we are officially city people.
I suggest the genius idea of going to McDonalds.
chicken nuggets. sweet n sour sauce.
best part of the night.
back at 4:00 am
time to pass out
tomorrow we will go sauna hunting.
so my style. lying around and eating boiled eggs.
banana milk i love you
textbooks i hate you
club i hate you too
McDonalds I love you :D
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