Day 37
Priscilla gives me a wakeup call for our group meeting.
crawl out of bed and zombie walk to the lobby in my polka dot pjs.
that's hot.
my job in the presentation. is to poke priscilla if she starts talking too fast.
its a very critical job.
if i dont do it correctly the whole balance of the power point is thrown off.
afterwards get lunch with Soraya.
my swiss friend that i mentioned awhile back
with the amazing eye lashes.
dude this girl is like my role model.
she so gorgeous and smart and nice.
hehehehehe :D
emma says she likes me cause i'm sorta creepy.
i think i get what she means now. haha.
head back to my room.
open the door and ooh my roomie is there!
wait a min...why is our room so clean.
did she clean it?
omg...this is not my room..
the girl that is crazy staring at me is probably not my roomie either.
crap. uuhh. uuhhh.
u-turn out of there and run like the wind away.
ahh i got off on the 4th floor instead of the 5th floor
HAHAHAHA why am i so ridiculous?
sometimes i think i subconsciously do these kinds of thing just so i have something to blog about.
when i get back to my actual room
my actual roomie is there!
yay and we talk and stuff.
make her laugh with my wrong room story.
ask her why she wasn't here last night
turns out she doesn't sleep?
lol at night she goes to work somewhere on campus.
mmmmm i see. very interesting.
she likes hello kitty.
so i give her my hello kitty pencil case that i won at the arcade.
who's the best roomie ever.
korean class reading day.
ahhhhhh soooo boring.
and erick is not even here to keep me entertained.
a girl from class (i'm sorry i legitly forgot her name) gives me banana milk.
uh oh.... i think i'm getting sick of banana milk.
went a little too crazy with it here...
i feel queasy..
thankfully elisa gives me her apple soda thing.
refreshing. oohh nice 11% apple juice?
my fruit serving for the day.
tuesdays are EMMAUS days yay.
before EMMAUS i pray that lies will be broken and the truth will be revealed.
meet emma and jay in the lobby and "peer pressure" emma into coming with me and jay :D
she wants to be cool like us so she agrees. mwahahahahaha.
today Sarah shares her testimony.
sarah is so hardcore northern virginia korean cool.
so i'm super excited for her testimony.
oh man she talks about lies being broken and the truth being revealed.
i think at one point she said those exact words.
and i was like oooooooh snaaaaaaaap. no way.
God is so cool sometimes...
she also talks about family.
when you are saved so is your entire household.
for some families out there this really needs to happen.
mine too. i hate being mushy gushy with my family.
but i hope i be a source of healing for my family.
oh btw. i consider my best friends a part of my family too.
after EMMAUS always there is food.
emma and i get some pretty bomb diggity omelet rices.
jay gets something spicy. and whole time he's sweating like a chubby pig.
oh yeah should mention this.
today i was telling daniel how i needed socks..
and then later at EMMAUS. daniel says he has a present for me
and its like the cutest socks :D
its an apple and then when you fold it over it turns into a mushroom.
how awesome is that. whatever i'm like super easily amused.
this totally made my day worth living.
remember how i said before that i really need to stop hanging out with jay
cause i keep eating when i'm around him.
yeah this needs to get in effect now.
stupid boy calling me up for late-night snacks -___-
okayy yeah uh huh we'll "share" the bag of chips.
share as in i end up eating the whole bag...
my destiny is not to be chubby...
goodnight >:]
nom nom nom.
so much sweat. the napkin stuck. so attractive... |
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