Day 54
i am so drunk with the Spirit.
everyday this week has been amazing. twinkle twinkle
woke up around 2:00pm :D
prayed for my frands for awhile
you know who you are ;]
you know who you are ;]
did some productive stuff for once in my life
4:00pm on my way to class when Jay calls me to eat.
eh i'm already late anyways.
and i'm hungry.
so we had a cereal date. it was quite nice.
i like cereal alot. its just so simple and crunchy.
and you dont feel guilty after eating it.
5:00pm stroll into class during break.
we had to do our presentations during the first half of class.
that i missed :]
stone face asks me if i'm ready to do my presentation.
i tell her no. i have allergies.
allergies is my excuse for everything.
she says " didn't prepare for the presentation because you have allergies"
okay then...
ah yes stone face you get cooler in my eyes everyday.
then she calls out the oblivious japanese guy Kuni during class.
we always laugh at the things he does. cause its just so friggin hilarious.
but stone face is like. he's only funny cause he's not good at korean.
oh snapp haha stone face that was mean but funny.
haha it's funny how she's mean but not really.
i like people like that.
after korean class.
we go to spagettini!!
and have a massive carb attack.
it was delish~
i really like bread alot. but not as much as chicken.
i legitly have allergies.
and the sniffles sniffles.
so i was planning to head back right after dinner.
but one thing led to another.
and i was getting boba. playing pong (with water cups)
nrbing. and then eating chicken?
somehow didnt get back until 3:00am.
ahh nrb was so fun.
first time nrb since i got here!
singing my heart out and then coughing cause of my sore throat. and then singing again.
my singing is not good. but i like singing.
no scrubs. and u got it bad. my songs yooo
erick. la shawn. olivia. good times :D
olivia is the nrb queen! she got a superstar voice.
afterwards i'm like "fried chicken?"
and they're like yeahhhhh.
we're not hungry. but we want chicken.
killed it. pwakkk!
i have just been so joyful and encouraged these days.
i think the friends i made here must think i've always been like this.
but honestly i've changed alot. used to hate people and was kinda emo.
it's amazing how God can transform lives.
lol they say i act like i'm on drugs.
but really i'm drunk with the Holy Spirit.
the good kind. where you dont get sick or hangovers in the morning.
just wake up.
to feel God smiling on you.
and thinking it's gunna be good day :D
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