Day 40

lately i've been getting alot of cute surprises.
so when i wake up this morning. or afternoon i guess.
i found that my roomie left me something on my desk.
except. its tomatoes.....
omg..oh noo.. my number 3 most hated veggie.
what am i going to do with them.
ahhh ahhhh. but that was so nice of her...
okay i'll eat them. deep breath.
just stuff it all in my mouth. (haha that's she said..)
ahm yamyamyam. >.< cringe. ahm yamyamyam.
its okay rebekah at least it's not celery or carrots..
i would have seriously thrown it out the window then...

got my vegetable serving for the month.

shower then sprint to korean class.
i got 11 hours of sleep so i was purdy silly in korean class today.
cindy and i were talking about the NK poli presentation.
and she said that i should just rap the whole thing.
mmm yes. i can imagine...that would be awesome.
the topic: North Korea nuclear weapons crisis.
Rick Ross- Hard in the Paint as background music.
Kim Jong Il goes hard in the motherfuckin paint nigga
Nuclear weapons all the way, everyday nigga. UH!

Cindy and i are cracking up. Stone face teacher gives me a warning.
Erick says i should freestyle and gives me his thug hat.
alright i'm ready now. prepare to be amazed. (excuse the profanity its part of the vibe)

Stone face goes hard in the motherfuckin paint nigga
Wear that sweatshirt everday, monday through friday nigga
Cause Erick said she look cute with it on. UH.
We even bet a shanghai chicken burger on it. UH.
Cindy’s gunna die laughin while I’m freestylin. UH.
And Erick’s mad jealous of my skills cause he got none. UH
And stone face is like wtf is going on over there. UH
She gave me 2 strikes and I’m about to get my third. UH
But I don’t care cause I go hard in the motherfuckin paint. UH!

Ohhhhh snnnaappppp. RESPECT.

yeah enough sillyness...
for dinner i go to the kitchen with chad and cheeia.
i customize my pasta this time.
asking them to mix the cream sauce and tomato sauce.
it was a success.

i'm in a super food coma. when emma chad and i are doing some intense fb commenting.
and we decide that we must order a pizza.
no surprise....
the pizza ofcourse is not satisfying enough for us.
so then we go eat korean bbq again.
i'm very distressed but now i'm learning to just accept it.
korea = food.

emma says something so friggin hilarious that i must mention it.
somehow the topic of chipotle comes up.
and she's like.. "what's chipotle?"
omg... i almost fall out my chair..
are you serious right now??? please tell me this is an april fool's joke. is it a name of a band of something?
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA. wow... but no really that's kinda tragic.
so young and so deprived...
i will buy you chipotle one day emma. i can't promise anything but i strongly will try <3

after stuffing our faces. we decide to go to a dvd room.
dundundun. o.O
hehehe dvd rooms in korea are known for doing the dirty dirty there...
so its pretty hilarious and awkward. cause the guy working at the desk is giving us this sly grin.
like we're gunna have some kind of orgy in there.
awkward starfish. smack on face*
we end up watching A-Team.
mehehe i love that movie. so cool.
i really like this one line in it. when bradley cooper is all like something something and blahblahblah.
and then he says something like "we gotta take the risk, but in the end the truth will come out"
and i was like bam hit. i guess that's what having faith means as well.
taking a risk for the truth. but in the end the truth will be revealed.
and when that moment comes what really matters is if you're ready or not.

strolled out of the dvd room.
and the desk guy gives us the most weirdest smile.
ahahahaha its so super awkward....

its' 4am but we dont care.
we hit up gs25 for some icecream.
i feel like in korea if i dont have dessert
something is not right...

6:00 am.
my sleeping schedule is so strange nowadays...
my roomie strolled in and she was so shocked to find me just chillin and awake.
but i guess i shall sleep now.
goodnight :D

morning delight.

i call it cremato sauce!

chad, jay, and emma. before our orgy. haha jk. or am i? haha no really. that's awkward...
