Day 76

this morning i am woken up from my bea-u-tiful sleep.
because apparently we are getting kicked out from the condo.
get ready and pack.
how is it that everything always fits in the suitcase the first time but when you try to repack its impossible.
anyways we are out the door on the way to the new place.
a very nice and shady hotel with questionable bed sheets.
mmm delish.

eat at a confusing chinese place.
where you pay more for less
and you pay less for more.
i wasnt complaining though cause i got my fried shrimp :D

after food the girls go exploring!
go to this african art museum.
except we didnt go inside. just played outside.
jumping in front of cactuses.
and playing with tadpoles. yes

i must mention something funny said by Cheeia
she's Hmong and they do some crazy things.
like raise chickens and kill it and eat it.
and go into bamboo forests with machetes to chop down bamboos and boil them later.
ah.. she said it so casually it was so funny.
so cheeia what are you doing right now.
oh nothing just about to go into a bamboo forest with my machete.
if i come visit you. will you kill the plumpest chicken for me in my honor
and chop down some fresh bamboo.

then we discovered this hidden mist village!!
it was so gorgeo. like straight out of a chinese artistic flying through the jungle and past waterfalls movie. 
God did a very good job. He created such a nice earth for us to inhabit.
they took some epic pics.
ahh TT.TT my camera is still broken.
but i will steal their pics and upload later.

after i got back  i watched the last matrix movie.
and i just got the chills while watching it.
cause every epic story is so similar to the things mentioned in the bible.
all the things written will happen.
but i am at peace because the Lord is my shield.

time to go order pizza and chicken now.
i could live off those two foods for the rest of my life.

we are getting kicked out in the streets tomorrow morning.
and we dont know where we are going to stay since all the hotels are full.
but sall good.
let the adventure continue!
