Day 71

I was flippin out today.
Cause it was such a bea-u-ti-ful day.
man. i'm here.
i'm at that place. when all you feel is peace and contentment.
and everyone and everything just looks so beautiful.

i feel like i'm on shrooms.
no lie. i think i stared at this tree for like 10 min straight.
its leaves was such a pretty shade of green. like none i've ever seen.
you know what they say. drugs are like a replica of the being in the spirit.
except what comes from God don't have negative side effects.

my homie erick and i were having real talk while staring at this green tree.
and we were just like man. what did we used to talk about?
stuff that just didn't even matter.
he's being going through alot lately so i shared some stories to encourage him.

usually after retreats i take a 16 hour nap.
but last night i just spent hours with God.
and while i was praying out loud and thanking Him for the truth.
my roomie came in. and i was like oh snap.
umm lemme just start folding clothes lalalaladida. totally looks like i was talking to my self there...
but she was just like, hey rebekah did you read the note on the door
what note? there's a note for me?
yeah, here it says your name on it.
she hands me the note and it reads Rebekah, Stay encouraged in the truth.
whoa....we worship a living God who speaks. amen

during the retreat we also had a forgiveness seminar.
and during this seminar i received alot of healing about things i didn't even know i was hurting from.
and God said that through me, my family that was once broken is going to restored.
cause there are no broken families in the kingdom of heaven.
and last night i just emailed my sister and my parents.
asking for forgiveness from them and just encouraging them.
Gloria the middle child. who i've probably shown my worst sides to.
replied back with this.

cool! i literally just got back from a retreat in the mountains this weekend too! i definitely forgive you, and hope that you can forgive me too. sorry for all the fights over such materialistic things that won't ever matter. from reading your blog posts, i can tell that you're completely changing as a person in the best way possible; that's seriously so inspiring and amazing.

whoa really freaky, but i just read the rest of your blog post. and during my retreat, we had this jar full of cards. the leaders wrote one verse and a comment on each card, and for weeks and weeks they had been praying that every card will be super relevant + unique to whomever draws that card. at some point during the retreat, we all had to take one card and hope that it was exactly tailored to what God wanted us to hear.

my card said "I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him... Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him... O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge. -Psalm 62:1,5,8. We must wait patiently for the LORD, because God's timing is perfect!"

and your encouragement card said the same line- God's timing is perfect!

I really shouldn't be surprised anymore. but it still gets me every time.
i'm just learning how awesome God is everyday.
my relationship with Gloria is finally being healed. and not only that God has a plan for both of us.

i mentioned in the beginning about beautiful trees.
so let me just show off this epic picture i took of this tree last week.

now see i couldnt stop staring at this tree pic.
it was just so beautiful and i was so proud of it.
and then analogy realization oh snap.
God was like Rebekah that's how i feel about you.
and I remember what a sister prayed over me at the retreat.
she said Rebekah, God is so captivated by you.
and then God was like Rebekah you are a light worth showing. I will not hide you under a lamp shade. but show you off to the world. and you will bring glory to my name and you will be glorified.

yeah. it's a pretty good day you could say :]
the most amazing thing is that i still have many more stories to share.
but then that would turn this post into an essay.


    and...if you ship me a case of soju..actually forget it. im afraid there might be some slip ups and future richard will end up with a soggy box of broken glass >.>

    anyways, i read your latest blog and even though ive relinquished my beliefs, i hope that your faith continues to grow and with it your bond with the Holy Spirit (as well as your relationship with G O double Dizzle) :P

    study hard(er) and have fun over there
    and please make sure to come back the same old Reba that comes over to play by herself and learn about the suhshi history while her friend sleeps (:

    your third in command (damn judy),
    suhshi so real richard so shy so awesome suh ganji me


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