Day 75
Last night was so friggin hi-larious.
Tina, Ann, and I had a who can make your stomach look the most pregnant contest.
Tina won.
Ann and I just laid there on the floor. making our stomachs like balloons.
and petting it. and all the boys were totally disgusted by it.
they dont understand...
if you ever want to turn a boy off, just lay on the bed.
push your stomach out and say, "honey, i'm ready to have your babies"
ah heheeheehee haw haw haw
Ann and I made vows. that my son with marry her daughter.
and if we both have sons. then they will just have to marry each other as well.
ah heeeheeeheeheee.
something very interesting also happened last night.
that just gave me new and greater revelations of God's grace.
i got a glimpse of how much He loved me.
that He gave something so precious up for me.
even though i didnt deserve it.
and the best thing is. i dont need to do anything.
He has already forgiven me.
so all that's was left was me to forgive myself.
and just receive His love.
until the time comes when i'm ready to love Him.
I'm there though. looking out on the balcony at the sea.
and i'm like God you know my heart cause now i'm learning how to love you.
forgiving myself. letting go of all my past identities and just trusting in you.
sometimes i wonder if this is all a dream.
how is it possible that everyday i wake up is a beautiful day.
and i'm just filled with so much joy and peace.
like it's almost too good to be true.
and for a second i'm scared i'll wake up into reality.
but God takes away that fear. and says no, Rebekah this is the reality that you've been missing out on. and it'll only get better from here.
yay :D
anyways today was a pretty fun day as usual.
we went to Jeju Love Land!
which is basically a park with very erotic statues.
mmmmm i wish i could upload the pics right away.
but i will have to do it later.
its some very interesting/graphic stuff.
funny quotes.
we are walking pasts all the different types of the male genitalia.
and cheeia is like "ooh.. this is the terminator one. mmm this is a dangerous penis right here"
please please do not make me laugh while i'm drinking stuff.
before i laughed and spit out OJ all over Chad.
it was quite funny.
but not for Chad of course.
after we get back from love land.
we rest and then head out for seafood and casino!!
seafood was a dissappointment.
except i made a decision today that as soon as i get back.
imma get a squid. and name him Squidward!
i'm so excited.
Casino was so much fun.
as Gina puts it "an arcade for old people"
i lost a lot of money on the slots.
but my lucky pig Jay ^^ won a lot.
and then we bought Mcdonalds with it.
we gotta wake up early tomorrow to go to the sea world type deal.
i love sea creatures
good night :D
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