Day 114

woke up nice and early.
to go volunteer at the children's library
i had a dream right before i woke up
telling me to love on the children and tell them that they are beautiful.

i think i understand now why God led me to that place randomly.
and how i was able to get a job there as soon as i walked into that place.
so follow what He tells you, not even knowing where you're going and what you're gunna do there.
and you just get amazed that He already has everything planned out for you.

i am to sow seeds into the hearts of the children.

we say our children are the future and all
but sometimes we really underestimate children.
they are the ones who we have to spend the most time nurturing and ministering to.
God remembers the children, His favor is on the second generation.
but not only that the enemy is always out to get the children first.
hit them with all the lies at a young age so that as they grow up they learn to live in bondage of these lies and be separated from God and the truth.
we must protect the children.

i mentioned before that even at such a young age children are individuals.
they all have their distinct personalities.
and watching them interact is so interesting and hilarious.
and when you look at kids sometimes you're like ohh that girl is gunna grow to be like this and that boy is gunna be a pimp.
i saw in all the kids a possibility of such bright futures.
but at the same time God was showing me all the possible paths of destruction.
the girl who is really smart and bosses all the other kids around.
in a flash i saw her future, who she would become and the lies that would attack her
the persecution she may face because of her intelligence would either lead her to loneliness in the form of covering herself in earthly knowledge or in superficiality.
i prayed that these children be established in their identities as children of God.

so the whole time i did what God told me to do in my dream.
hugging them, telling them they were beautiful.
Ms. Know it all :D i told her she was so smart.
they love me ^___^ puahahaha they call me Sexy Teacher.
eh hehehehe.....
and then they started doing this sexy wave dance.
oh my...stop that children..yeah i really need to pray for them.
especially the girl who keeps grabbing my lady humps...
and the boy who tries to eat my leg cause i taste yummy
this kid! needs extra prayer..

ah...i love kids.
if you dont love children.
work on that! that is a blatant attack from the enemy.
we are meant to love on children.

gunna go sunday school teacher crazy when i get back to md.
but yeah in md i'm also a tutor. and i've been praying lately that God will use me in that position to sow seeds into the lives of my students.
and then! i get an email from my tutor manager today saying that he is changing his business to be a Christian tutoring business. so basically his business is gunna have God at the center. oh snap~
his goal is for the students to remember that education is not their lives but that our lives are a gift and mission from God.
and education is a tool in life.
he also said he's gunna start this business with me, let go of all his other tutors, and give me all the students.
ahmahgunah. wow...
when i read this i was just blown away.
that's what God's favor is.

thank the promise giver, and don't focus too much on the promises.
for He has much more in store for me.

*oh yeah side note prayer request.
mmm yeah how do i say this. lately.. well actually for the past month.
my body has been doing some abnormal things. i was going to wait until i get back to the states to go to the hospital. but its been going on for a long time and it could be nothing but it could also be potentially serious. sorry for the vagueness..
i'm going to the hospital today.
please pray that I have increased faith, more love for God, a commitment to do His will, and to seek His kingdom and righteousness first.
then all things will be okay :D
