Day 110
Today i was walking and feeling very joyful :D
but at the same time i knew that there are going to be a lot more troubles to come.
life with God on this earth is not gunna be all flowers and rainbows
so i gotta be on full alert like wedding peach.
i'm a bride. but not just a foofoo bride. i'm a warrior bride.
there's gunna be times when the lies will get at me.
and try to pull me down.
but i'll keep getting back up.
and i came to a realization that eventually.
those lies wont even have a chance to get at me.
and i'll be flying.
like an eagle soaring above all things.
today is a friday.
and on friday nights there Friday Fire at New Philly.
the enemy today though completely erased this from my mind.
so i forgot. and i was prancing around like lalalala its friday what should i do today.
and then i locked myself out of my room -___-
great. i go downstairs to the lobby to get a spare key.
and in the elevator. i bump into hannah na.
she asks me if i'm going to Friday Fire today.
and i'm like oh snap. i completely forgot about it. thanks for reminding me.
hmmm hmmmmmmmmmm.
i puzzled pieced everything together.
this means that there is gunna be some awesome blessings that i will receive tonight that the enemy did not want me to receive but God was like uh no. i'm not gunna let that happen.
nice God nice.
get to friday fire not really knowing what to expect but excited.
we pray and then split up into groups.
and in our groups we are talking about intimacy. what allows us to get intimate with God.
for me its suffering. i was really like marmarmar about it at first cause i dont really like to suffer...
but really suffering allows me to just put all my hope in God and trust in Him.
and everytime i overcome something it feels awesome ya know :D
then we talked about who was our best friend this year.
and for me it has been chubby cheeks Jay.
said some nice corny things about him. that even made the pastor make fun of me.
not cool man. whatever he's just jealous. i said.
outloud. and then it got real awkward. ehehehe...
but here's where it got real interesting.
in our groups we had to choose 2 people to pray for.
and Pastor Marcus chose me and sarah won.
and the words of prophecy they were saying over me.
was so on point. like i was like whooooaaaa. that's exactly what God has been telling me this past weeks.
I will be a light in darkness.
I will sow seeds in the hearts of people.
more stuff i cant really remember but were really good.
but then the last one really made me laugh.
this girl i think her name is gina. was like for some reason an eagle keeps coming to me.
for you i see an eagle.
oh snappppp. this morning i was just praying that i would be like an eagle.
and then this right here just confirmed it.
and lately small tiny fears have been getting to me.
like what if i return back to maryland and nothing happens. i fall back into my old routine.
but man the words of encouragement they were saying about the breakthrough that will happen when i return home.
felt so encourage and blessed today :D
later went back ate fried chicken of course.
and then went nrbing with the fam friends.
cheeia picks the best songs. like the really old school nice and fluffy feeling kind.
and as we were singing Josh Groban. You Raise Me Up
i was like mmmm this is my song for my Lord.
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.
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