Day 108
today was such a day full of joy ~
walkin on a dream :)
slept in and missed my 10am poli class
only to find out later from emma that we dont have class anymore :)
i wouldnt know that last week's class was the last day of class
cause i skipped that one too ^^"
ah...morning classes...
it's that time when people are freaking out about finals.
sometimes it seems almost unfair that i really have nothing to worry about.
but that's what God's grace is. you receive blessings when you don't deserve it.
all burdens/worries lifted off. taken away from you.
lately i've been using my not studying time
to pray for others. mostly for them to do well on finals i guess.
if you are stressed about finals ! do not worry.
education is meant to help you in life not become your life.
i will be praying for peace over my friends and just for assurance in their future.
if you have any other prayer requests.
let me know please :)
and if you want to have study breaks to just chill.
call me :) i love conversing. and having heart to hearts.
and eating! i'll buy you food.
and blessing people while eating.
i pray that in the midst of these next 2 weeks of stressful finals time.
there may be joy. The joy of the Lord is your strength
i shall run around being a bundle of joy. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
emma gave me a book today.
its called the five people you meet in heaven
heard alot of good things about this book.
so i shall read it now.
havent read a book since junior year of highschool....
let me get on this.
reading is good. yes.
may your weeks be filled with joy~
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