Don't Waste Your Life

I think the best thing a person can do is help another person.  Our lives are wasted because we spend so much time focusing on ourselves, but if we actually did something with our time to help someone else, then imagine what the world would look like.

I suppose that is why Jesus always told us to love one another. Even our enemies, especially our brothers. Love others out of the overflow of the great love that God has for us.

I haven’t really done much with my life in my opinion and it’s probably because I always lived selfishly. It didn’t really seem like much of a crime. What’s wrong with focusing on my own future and well-being? It seems so natural because in the end it’s me, myself, and I right?

The most influential people in the world, however, are the ones who laid down their lives for others. And I suppose that if I don’t want my life to go to waste that is what I must do. Ironically, spending my time to help others is probably one of the best things I could do for myself.

The best times in my life I would have to say were when I was there for someone else:  a family member, a friend, a complete stranger. Because when you see the impact you have, the value of your life increases. When you see lives being changed in front of your very eyes, you wonder, man what if I had never been born? Would this person be the same without me? It’s not really to puff up your ego, but during those hard times when you wish you had never been born, you remember that there is someone out there who is indeed very thankful that you were.

And hopefully that brings great joy to your heart.
