Day 3

Monday, June 25th 2012

Today is the day I am somewhat nervous about. 

We are going to be climbing trees, high roping, and zip lining.
And I am deathly afraid of heights. o.O

The guys go first. and while the girls wait for their turn, we play this egg drop game. we have straws, strings, cotton balls, and duct tape and we got to make a structure that will protect an egg when it's dropped from a high place. 

I am not very physics/engineery so basically my job is to rip pieces of duct tape. 

We start out with this nice complicated triangle structure, then it changes to a rhombus, then it just becomes this ball of straws and cotton balls held together by duct tape and strings. 
Nice. so sophisticated. 

we compare our "structure" with the other teams. and wow...hahaha we are obviously not the most creative/intelligent group because the other teams have like parachutes on theirs and everything. 

doesn't matter though cause all of our structures survive the drop. afterwards we don't know what to do with ours. so I pretend it's a football and throw it around. and then we get more creative by pretending it's a wedding bouquet and I toss it to the girls and they fight to catch it.  ridonkulous...

it's finally our turn to go this cray cray height obstacle course. find out that we have to hike there! 10 min uphill hike and i'm already exhausted before the course even begins. 

wait in line with my safety gear and helmet on, feeling like a mix between Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider and a construction woker. The worker wilderness lady is already at the top of the tree and tells me to start climbing up. Before I start climbing, I notice that the rope connected to my gear is not dangling like everyone else's was, but I'm like whatever the lady know's what she's doing. 

I pray. then I start climbing. it's so hard. hug tree. breath breath. don't look down. this is crazy. half way up. I'm stuck. i wanna cry. keep going. keep going. almost at the top. yes! finally here. all I need to do it climb onto the platform. reach reach... wait why can't I move?!

the lady tells me to pull myself up onto the platform, and I'm like uhhh I can't I'm stuck. 

what do you mean you're stuck?
uhh....I can't move?
turns out that my rope wasn't dangling because it was stuck under the platform. the lady says "oh no.."
it's never good when you hear the professional tree climbing lady say "oh no'. 
she lays out my options: 
1) take off my safety gear: but if I fall I die
2) climb all the way back down and climb back up: no way
3) squeeze myself through the hole in the platform and wiggle my way through. 

I consider climbing down and not coming back up. but i was like nooo I worked too hard to get up here. so I try to squeeze myself through the hole (not so easy when you're 20-30 feet up in the air). but I get through! yay...

and then I realize, I'm facing the wrong direction, cause I can't climb onto the platform backwards. 

squeeze myself back into the hole and then switch legs. oh moh nah. I'm stuck. 
I can do this. I start wiggling. wiggle wiggle. and then I'm free!! 
climb onto the platform. the lady says I deserve I medal. I wanna feint. 
My mouth is as dry as sandpaper. she asks me if I ever done anything like this.
and I tell her I'm supposed to be afraid of heights. but right now I don't feel any emotion. I just want to finish this and get it over with. 

but I still need to get through the high ropes part. we have to cross a tight rope from that connected from one true to another. oh em gee. I heard the girls that went before me crying and repeating "umma (mom)". 

I get on and my legs are shaking. Good time to apply what I learned yesterday. focus on the goal. so I stare at the wooden box on the tree ahead and walk. 

summary: get to the end. it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. think it's over. and there are two more ropes that i need to do. I want to give up and die. but I endure. we should really get a "I survived high ropes" t-shirt for this. 

finally make it to the zip line. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. BAM. ahhhhhh going backwards. ahhhhh going forwards. stop. get off. I did it. HALLELUJAH. 

I finished. and that's all that matters. I pray that I will finish God's will in my life too and I trust that He will finish the good work He began in me. 

Hike down back, chill for awhile, I talk to my friend Grace about stuff (hehe she's my chubby friend. I prayed for a chubby friend who would be the slow one with me during exercise!) she is longing for an encounter with God. I pray that she will. and she prays that I will be able to worship God (I miss playing guitar) and then it's time for the evening session. 

Pastor Stephen Chong preaches also (Dr. Kim and he didn't plan it out together) about the story of the prodigal son (God must really want us to know this story).

Wow he is one of the greatest preacher's I've heard. He talks about the Father's Love. And then we get into a time of prayer. I've made alot of mistakes in the past, but I guess there's one that still has some residue. even though you know that God has forgiven you, it takes time for you to realize that He truly has forgiven and forgotten about it. 

We get back to our Tipis and the discussion in our family group get's really deep. like whoa people exposing their deepest darkest secrets. I admit I sorta judged the girls here, cause they all looked so innocent Christian girls, but I was wrong. We all have our pasts. 

But as I mentioned before, we must find our identities in Christ and trust that God is good. To receive love from Him so that we can choose to obey Him and turn from our sin - not because we feel like we have to, but because we truly want to. 

My mindset is this: the more messed up you are, the more glory to God. 

And I think God's going to get a lot of glory over these next days. 

