China Testimony 2009
Hi, my name is Rebekah So. I am a freshman at UMBC and I have been attending GMC for about thirteen years now. GMC has provided me with the opportunity to experience God’s work in countries all over the world. At the age of thirteen I had no idea what my first mission trip would teach me, and how it would eventually lead me to my mission trip to China.
Before I begin sharing my testimony I would like to read Matthew chapter 28 verses 19-20. It says “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Certainly God was with me. Even before I embarked on this mission to China. I was excited when my friend Esther told me about the Asia W team. I’ve always had a heart for China. I had been praying for China and it was amazing that I had an opportunity to go. However, I was also hesitant. It was the summer before I began college. Money was tight and I needed to find a summer job. My parents were unenthusiastic about sending me on another mission trip. Discouraged, I decided to seek God for an answer. Lord if it is not your will then I guess I’ll stay here and get a job, but if it is, send me to China.
Two months later I was on a plane, headed for China. I had no idea what our mission team would do when we arrived. We had prepared workshops that were canceled two weeks before we left. Then we’ll just build relationships in Xinjiang we thought. However, a week before we left there was a violent riot in Urumqi. The very city we planned to visit. Our plans were thwarted, and we were to arrive in Beijing unsure of what we were going to do during our time there. Thankfully, everything was in the hands of God.
As I observed our VBS, I was baffled. I mean we only took a couple hours the night before to plan the VBS, which most of us, who were jetlagged, slept through. Usually, it takes months to brainstorm and prepare, and yet it was one of the most organized and efficient VBS’s I’ve ever experienced. God had taken all of our skills and put them to work.
A week later our VBS was over and the KM team would be saying goodbye to the EM team. On our last night we sat in a circle and shared our thoughts about the trip. As I listened to the responses, my heart felt somewhat unsettled. I understood when my team members said it was an eye opening experience, but this was my sixth mission trip. To be honest, I no longer felt the emotions I did years ago. If I left when the EM left, I would have felt unsatisfied with the trip. I felt that something more had to be done.
It’s funny actually. How I was part of the KM team instead of the EM. I mean I was born in the US and don’t speak Korean very well, yet I wound up with the fobs. But I look back and I realized God had a plan for that as well. With the KM team, I would be staying in China longer, which in turn would allow me to reflect more on the trip.
After staying in Beijing for a few more days we took a long train ride to Yenji. In Yenji I hoped that we would accomplish something amazing. See, we were meditating on the book of Acts and in the book of Acts Jesus’s disciples did some amazing things. I longed for something drastic and life changing. Yet day after day I would be disappointed. I was enjoying everything around me. But I thought what is my purpose here? To eat good food and gain ten pounds? Why was I called to China? It didn’t seem like I was doing much.
Later that day as I was meditating on the word, God made me realize that it was His work I was called to do. I did not know what his plans were, but God had control over everything. God may work in drastic ways like he did in Acts, but he may also work in simple and slow ways. The bottom line is it is not up to me to judge whether or not I’m doing anything significant, but must put my faith in Him.
From that day, the reoccurring theme of faith popped up everywhere. From our devotions to the sermon we heard on the following Sunday and serving at the disabled children’s home. Even from the man who bought us dinner. I still remember something he said that stuck with me. If you are faithful to God, why would he want for you to be unhappy? He will give you everything you want, things that you didn’t even know you wanted. Because God knows you better than you know yourself. He knows what will make you truly happy and what you should do with your life.
Therefore, I urge every follower of Christ to go on mission trips. It may not go the way you imagine it in your head, but when you obey God’s word you are under His protection and guidance. I had hoped to restore peace in the hearts of the Uighurs, the minority group in the land of Urumqi where we originally planned to go. But God had a different plan for me. A plan that was right for me.
That summer was the summer before college. I have no idea what I wanted to do with my life. No idea what career path I wanted to choose. The decisions I make in college will set the course for the rest of my life. But I am rest assured because I have learned something very simple from this mission trip, that when I put my faith in God everyday of my life is like being on a mission trip; He will be with me always, even to the end of the age.
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