Fire Alarms are no joke

It was a quiet Friday morning. I was chillin in my room looking up ideas for my psychology research topic and then all the sudden I hear the fire alarm go off. They have so many fire drills in Walker apts so usually my roomie Esther and I just ignore them ^_^"

I walk into Esther's room (she just woke up)
Me: You going outside? 
Esther: I don't know should we....what if it's a real fire?
Me:'s probably just another drill. 
Esther: they shouldn't have so many fire drills cause then when it's a real fire we won't take it seriously
Me: I know right! omg that's a great psychology research topic. yayyyyy I found one.

go back on my computer and look up research related to fire drills. while I'm doing this I happen to see through my window three cop cars pull into the parking lot. uh oh.......

run into Esther's room.
Me: Esther! Esther! why are there actual cops in the parking lot?!
we both huddle by her window. the cops are telling the people in the parking lot to back away from the building.
Me: uh ohh....what if this is serious... 
Esther: no.. but look they are near the other building over there, so at least it's not our building. 
Me: mmmm okay

Fire alarm turns off. Oh I guess it was nothing. Go back to my room, look up research on this topic and I can't find anything. while I'm searching I hear a loud siren from a fire truck. oh noo.......

run back into Esther's room. Esther! do you hear that!!
We peek out the window. oh nooo oh nooo it better not turn into our parking lot. 
it does. and parks right in front of our building.

about five more cop cars show up. and another fire truck.
the fire fighters and police officers are gathered on the sidewalk right in front of our window and talking with serious faces.

at this point we are freaking out.
omg omg what are we going to do! ahhh we can't go out now. that's so embarrassing cause then they'll know that we were hiding in here and ignored the fire alarm!! 

we're peaking through our blinds. discussing our options..i smell something unpleasant...
me: omg Esther you didn't even brush your teeth yet....
Esther: I just woke up! 

while we are talking we see the fire fighters carrying axes and heading into our building. and then a few seconds later somebody is banging on our door really loudly.

ahhhhhhhhh what do we do, what do we do!!! 

Esther and I run to our door. Esther's peeking out of that tiny hole in our door.
Me: Okay okay. this is what we'll do. when they're gone. we'll run out into the hallway and exit through the back door. 
the voices outside fade.
Me: is the coast clear?
Esther: yeah

I open the door and as soon as I open it a fire fighter is RIGHT in front of me. I literally almost run into him. SHOCK. o.O he kindly tells us that we need to evacuate.

oh okay ^__^" sorry. excuse me. we awkwardly walk around him and run into two other fire fighters coming up the stairs. oh excuse me ^_^;; try to take the back door but it's blocked. so we need to exit through the front door where EVERYBODY is watching and awkwardly walk past the crowd of fire fighters and police officers.

We still haven't found out what happened in our building...but I think we both learned our lesson today.

Fire Alarms are no joke.
