
Showing posts from 2016
Hope deferred makes a heart sick
Never to wish again
Your word is unfailing
Help me to trust again

There is a tension in my heart
When it says
That those who hope in LORD
Will never be disappointed

Open my eyes to see
Your truth once again
Your word lights my path
Keep me from stumbling

When the darkness comes at night
And my heart becomes bitter
Help me to overcome my cynical nature
The pain that lingers on
But your words remain true
Help me to know how much
You care for me

God with us in the waiting and suffering

So today while I was watching Grey's Anatomy I fell asleep lol and had one of those intense naps where after you wake up you're like half asleep and half awake and then eventually you become wide awake and it's 1:36 in the morning and you're wide awake and you feel strange and existential.

I wanted to write about something that happened last Saturday but then I got lazy and pushed it off but I guess this would be a good time to write about it.

But I'm not going to. I guess I'll write about it another time. The concept of timing is interesting. I remember that I didn't write about my story about my encounter with the homeless man until two years after it happened. I decided to write it down after I found out some pretty bad news. had this sudden urge to write down everything.

I've been thinking about the concept of timing and also suffering these days. Around a week ago I was just lying in bed thinking about which character I would want to be from the bible and I went through all the ones I could remember and was like uhhh crap...I don't think I would want to be any of them lol cause they all went through pretty hard things in life and had to wait alot. like talking about years and years and years and it's like

earlier during the semester I was quite bitter at God for all the waiting and suffering. but now that it's summer and i'm more relaxed I'm much more peachy and trusting. I guess in all this I am reminded that God's wisdom is infinite and his compassion is great. I think he understands the pain that we have and will endure but also knows that the benefits outweigh the risks. At times he doesn't take away the pain but he is with us in it. He knows that we don't fully understand why we need to wait or suffer. And so we cry, but I think he cries with us.

John 11. The death and resurrection of Lazarus has been on my heart and mind for the past few months now. One of these days I will go through and write my thoughts on the whole passage. but the part that relates to timing and suffering is when Martha and Mary who are close to Jesus both say to him "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died." And the people around them also said "Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?"

Jesus knew that Lazarus would be resurrected soon but nobody else did. Their minds couldn't even fathom at the time that Jesus could resurrect him at that moment. Everyone was crying and weeping over Lazarus's death. For four days Martha and Mary were probably filled with pain over their brother's death. In their natural desires they probably would have expected or wanted Jesus to have healed him and prevented him from dying. However, that was not in God's plan. He had something greater. But in order for that greatness to be achieved, they had to wait and suffer. I think when Jesus wept, he wept because he saw how much pain those impacted by Lazarus's death were in, especially when he saw Mary weeping. He knew that Lazarus would be raised from the dead, but he also knew they didn't know and had empathy for their pain. I don't think he was weeping regarding their disbelief, I think he was weeping with them in their pain.

It's not that God doesn't have the power to change or relieve us from our situations. It's that he allows us to endure the pain or waiting for greater things. But at times he doesn't tell us to cheer up, he cries with us.

As a therapist we learn that the relationship between us and our clients is fundamental. Before we go onto learning about treatment plans and different modalities, we learn the basics of empathizing and simply being with our clients. At times, we can't fix or change what they are going through, all we can do is sit with them in their pain. And somehow having two people sharing the pain helps because you're no longer going through it alone.

As I think about the characters in the Bible and their amount of trials, sufferings, and waiting, I am also reminded that through it all God was with them. He didn't let them take the easy road or short cuts, but till the very end he was with them. And one day I believe he will make things right again. He will wipe away every tear but until then we keep moving forward and we keep trusting that he knew all the options and all the ways things in our lives could unfold and he orchestrated the best possible way. even though to us it may not seem like the best way, and we may not like it. he knows and understands. I don't think he asks us to be happy about it. but he asks us to trust him. even if that means trusting him through tears.

I made a difficult decision about four and half years ago and I expected that God would make things right soon after and I would be healed quickly. But after each year would go by and things didn't get better, I became pretty bitter. I would say to God it's been a year, then two years, three years, four years, four and a half freaking years and I'm still in the same/ if not worse situation. At times I was so tired and so done. so hopeless. so angry. so bitter.

But recently. I can't remember if it was today or on Friday lol I can't really keep track of things anymore..I surrendered and was like okay God I trust you. I will stop counting the years that have gone by. I will stop holding that against you and I will trust you once again.

I'm pretty sure someone was praying for me. Thank you to that person/persons. Intercessory prayer is a mysterious thing to me but it really works. I get so happy when I feel the prayers of others. One time I was chillin, eating an apple, on my computer, and then all the sudden I'm thinking about John 3:16 probably the least emotion provoking verse for me because of how I've been so desensitized to it. the next thing I know I feel God's presence so strongly, and I'm crying over the first part of this verse "For God so loved the world" as if why would God so love this crazy world that at times ignores, rejects, defiles, and hates him enough to "send his one and only Son" to die for us...and in that moment I just knew that someone was praying for me and had a feeling that it was my mentor at the time Lisa Kwak. So I text Lisa like "are you praying for me right now?" and she texts back something like omg yes, how did you know and I vaguely told her what happened and she was like wow hallelujah. something like that lol I don't remember exactly how that convo went down. but yes I had similar feelings this weekend. so thank you. to whoever was praying. thanks.

anyways. Friday's thing at church was about romantic relationships. which is basically that area of my life that is my dry bones/thorn/ hopeless/ etc, etc, etc. so many disappoints, failures, wired in a way that makes it nearly impossible for me seek a healthy relationship, anxiety provoking, Simba run away and never return kind of thing at the thought of something real. but at the end of the night during the prayer time. oh yes okay I think that's when I surrendered and said I will stop counting the years. anyways I think the thought came to my mind that future Rebekah is praying for me and she is saying that one day I will be so happy for all the disappointments and failures because if those relationships hadn't failed then I wouldn't be with the person that I am with now (in the future). And maybe she is praying for me to have hope. and keep moving forward. and that it'll be okay. there is alot of joy waiting. pain is temporary. God is good. God is faithful. God is trustworthy. and God is with us.

And I'm sure that when Jesus did raise Lazarus from the dead, there was a lot of rejoicing. One moment there was weeping and then the next moment there was rejoicing. And that's life. There will always be times of sadness followed by happiness followed by sadness and the cycle continues.

But through it all we have peace, and we are blessed because God is with us.  

What does it mean to know God?

Warning post is going to be raw. like blahhh. word vomit.

So these days I have decided I am going to eat healthier, and I've just been eating rottisere chicken with like korean side dishes and apples. and I step onto the scale and found out that instead of losing weight I gained weight?!!!

I've been trying to lose weight for the past 3 FRICKIN YEARS and WTEFFFFFF is this BULLSHIT.

EVERYTHING these days has been just....okay not everything....but a lot of things have been just SUCKY....and in the past I would have said some bullshit like Praise God through the storm. or Even though it hurts...I will praise you. Though you slay me....what not what not

But now i'm like I'm so done. sooooo tired. i don't even care anymore.

Ever since I've come into this program and been seeing the behind the scenes of people's lives. the crap. the pain. the craziness. the realness. and all who profess to be Christians some even Pastors. all who have faith and are struggling in their faith. it's like what is going on????

we use so much Christian jargon that like it was so normal for me growing up...but really when we think about what we are saying. it's like what??? what does that mean?? this is not normal...this is not how we function in our daily lives...this is like up in the air talk....almost symbolic...


My rant above, me complaining to God. God please just let me lose weight. how do I know how he will react?? I DONT FREAKING KNOW. I really don't know. Like if I complained to my mom. I know what she would say. she would tell me to do yoga and eat healthier. I know what she would say to me.  I don't know what God would say. I have never heard him talk to me. But it's like people say things all the time like oohh God is speaking to me in this way. God would respond lovingly like you are beautiful for who you are my child. and it's like what?? how would you know...

We like a nice sounding God who would say kind things to us in loving ways. but it's like the Israelites in the desert were complaining to God about how they wanted quail and then he was like oh you want quail here ya go. i'll give it to you and then you will get sick from eating it and die. that's what you get for complaining.

And it's like ummmmmmm what??? that's God okay in some sense I respect that he's pretty gangster don't mess with me. but then there's that whole idea of God doesn't change. so is that how he'll react to me. oh Rebekah you are complaining first world problems about losing weight not thankful for the food I provide for you. oh you wanna lose weight. okay bam food poisoning. or cancer. there you got your wish. or does he even care? is he like ignore. ridiculous. HOW WOULD I KNOW.

and it's not like I can demand God to reveal himself to me. like GOD SHOW ME WHO ARE YOU. it's like me asking Obama to be vulnerable to me and tell me about himself.

and then you could argue that oh well because of Jesus Christ, God wouldn't act in a harsh way to us and wouldn't punish us and we can know him intimately. and yes I would like to believe that.

but nothing around me really shows that. I still don't know him. I would be lying if I said I did. I don't know what his favorite color is. I don't know what his sense of humor is like. I don't know how to relate to him.

and maybe it's because I'm trying to interact with God in the ways that I know how. but he operates on a different wave length. it's like learning a new language. but how?? what is this language. TEACH ME.

and then in the Bible it says something like to know God is to fear God. and it's like what does that even mean?? my spiritual director was saying to fear God is to live in a manner that is pleasing to him. but how do I please him when I don't even know what he likes??? and what if I can't please him. even if I want to please him I can't. I can't promise that...

The words that are coming to me now are surrender and Holy Spirit. and some chapter in Romans about how the sinful nature cannot please God. but life through the spirit.

I guess prayer is to learn more about this life through the spirit. and really experience it again.

Just because I'm confused doesn't mean I've given up. Sometimes it's easier to just give up when I don't understand because it's too overwhelming. but I'm not going to give up...

I still have faith in all this. Christian belief of having a "relationship" with God. I guess I just am realizing that something isn't right and I'm done faking or pretending. I'm going to wrestle with God until we have a real connection.

Put not your confidence in the flesh

Happy Easter!

So today Judy and I were supposed to go to Easter service but then Judy got food poisoning from eating expired chilly lol (funny but not funny), so I decided to listen instead to a New Philly sermon online

It's funny how things work out in unexpected ways. If Judy hadn't gotten food poisoning then I would not have listened to this sucks for her tho..what a great friend...I'll get her some ginger ale.

but anyways.  speaking of timing. my friend from school put in a group kakaotalk this timely word on Good Friday.

Some words of encouragement. Today is Good Friday. Tim Keller said once that the disciples saw the greatest act of God in history, Christ's death on the cross, then went home and lost their faith. Can this also be the case for us? Things in our life now may look awful, far from ideal, but can the same thing be going on that we do not see the great act of God being carried out in our life right now? Take heart, for God works all things for the good of those who love Him. Happy Easter!

I say timely cause these past few days have been pretty difficult emotionally for me traveling around. I get kind of disoriented. on top of that it's like Good Friday/ Easter weekend and I didn't go to church at all during Easter weekend for the first time in my life. Because of that I felt kind of distant from God and lost sight of the gospel during a time when I want to feel connected to the gospel.

Some more background: for the past couple years I've been struggling on and off with my weight. which at times doesn't seem like a big deal. I post pics all the time of me eating delicious stuff. and joke around about dieting. and it's seems funny and all but at times I do get pretty depressed about it. I think my identity and worth has been tied to my appearance, especially my weight. Growing up I was always really skinny. except in fourth grade that one year my mom fed me galbi like everyday so I wouldn't get sick or tired from my ice skating training (whyyyy mom whyyyyy), and I was literally a 106 pound 4th grader. I still remember my weight. during that time, I hated the way I looked. hated taking pictures. felt so ugly, awkward, and insecure. had a major crush on this guy (would write about it in my Britney Spears diary) lol and then be sad because he would never like me (the ogre) back.

so fast forward to 2013 when my metabolism decided it was done working. wants to retire. take it easy. and I gained 10-15 pounds. it doesn't seem like much, but on a 5'3 girl it's alot. currently I'm the heaviest I've ever been and those 4th grade insecurities are coming back. my confidence at an all time low. and when you feel worthless and also hopeless because no matter how much you want to lose weight, it seems impossible. you get depressed. you hate yourself. and you don't feel like filling your mind with truth or acceptance or compassion. it's hard to see beyond that.

and then there were moments when I'm like okay some people they may not be very attractive by societal norms but their personalities make them beautiful. maybe I should work on my personality. but it's not like you can just "work on" your personality. my personality is not that great and I can't really get away with my assholish and ridiculous behavior looking like this. it's very stressful.

it's not I'm moping about it all day everyday...but during certain moments, for example not seeing friends and family you haven't seen in awhile that those insecurities come back hard. having asian parents constantly badgering you about it. not fun. and so these past few days have not been fun.

when I'm happy and content, I'm usually not actively seeking God. but it's when I'm feeling down that I really need him. I wish this weren't the case (as in why do I only want to seek him when things are bad cause then I feel like bad things are going to happen so that I will seek him) but it is.

so I go on the New Philly website cause I really need something. and I click on the first message by P. Christian: Put No Confidence in the Flesh. and I listen and I'm laughing and saying amen. but I wasn't really wrecked by it until the last few minutes when he's closing the message with prayer. keyboard playing in the background to make it more dramatic of course. this is what he said:

LORD, I thank you that when you see us you do not regard us according to the flesh. And so today I just hear the spirit of the LORD saying stop putting your confidence in the flesh. My dear children. When I see you. Man looks on the outer appearance, but I see the heart. When I see you, I see your heart. And even if you're in here or you're listening or watching at our New Philly campuses and you've been struggling in your spiritual walk. One of my friends, Pastor Paul, he always says, "weak faith, weak love is not fake love." even in your spiritual walk, if you're struggling. and you feel like, "I feel so distant from God." When you struggle. if you really put your confidence in the gospel. even when you struggle, you don't have to feel distant from God. cause he never brought you near through your record, he did it through the righteousness of Christ. and that righteousness never changes. even when you're not reading your bible. even when you're having trouble praying. even if you're having trouble with the leadership covenant of New Philadelphia Church, it doesn't make you feel distant because he never brought you near through your record in the first place. So even if you're struggling, the Father says, I still see your heart, and I see that you're chasing after me, I see that you're tryna love me. I see that you're tryna walk in truth.

And so Father, I pray for every son and daughter in the room, and every New Philly campus and everyone watching by video and listening by mp3. I pray for each person listening right now. that the Word of God would run swiftly through their hearts LORD. run swiftly through their minds in bringing a renewal. that we will no longer put our confidence in the flesh, but will put our full confidence and boast in the gospel. and will put our boasts in our weaknesses because through the gospel even our weaknesses have become our strengths, our weaknesses have become opportunities for the weak to say, "I am strong." Renew our minds, oh God.  Not only for how we see ourselves but also how we see each other. that we'll learn to honor one another. we'll learn to bring out the gold in one another. by no longer regarding each other according to the flesh. but seeing each other in the spirit. I pray this LORD in Jesus name. Amen.


You know when you know certain truths but it doesn't really hit you until it brings renewal to your mind and heals your heart through the Spirit. I guess that prayer was one of those moments. I can't be like, oh I'm good now, won't be struggling with that anymore. cause I've overcame my insecurities in the past to have them return. but I feel hopeful and at peace. knowing that God is with me in my struggles. and praying for everyone reading this now to be filled with hope and peace that God is with you in your struggles too. praying for freedom and truth for all of us. this is an area of weakness for me but it is my strength to write this all down and be vulnerable. to encourage others and myself as I write it and later when I read it.

So take heart, for God works all things for the good of those who love him.
Happy Easter.

Overcoming unhealthy habits with Gratitude

This is not a well organized concept or thought but something that I'm just jotting down and will probably refine later.

A few weeks ago? I think I was reading one of the bible verses of the day on my bible app before I went to sleep. and came across this verse (I totally don't remember) but as I read this verse I somehow came to this conclusion: huh interesting, a way to fight sin is through gratitude. and then fell asleep.

I'm going to use the words "unhealthy habits" instead of sin because sin could mean a lot of things.

I noticed that this past week I have been not engaging in unhealthy habits. And I realized that since the time I received the prophetic word, my heart and mind have been filled with gratitude. I've been noticing the ways that God has been looking out for me this week and blessing me. Prayers being answered.

As I struggled with unhealthy habits throughout my life. I realized -because my impulse control and ability to meditate on consequences at times are low - that I can't change my habits unless I no longer want to engage in them. I cannot will myself to change. I need to want to change, and not only want to change, but actually experience the lack of desire for things that are not good for me.

When you are already satisfied with something you will most likely not desire after other things because you are full.  My chances of eating a hamburger right after already eating steak are going to be slim. It's when I'm starving for food that I'll seek after that hamburger.

As I was thinking about this, my mind was taken aback to Genesis chapter 3 when the serpent tricked Eve. Perhaps if Eve were satisfied with the fruit she already had or the role that she had in the garden, she probably wouldn't have desired after the fruit or knowledge that was forbidden.

Keeping in mind that all things on this earth seem to be temporary, the practice of gratitude needs to be a regular thing. As regular as eating normal meals. Hmm is that why it is customary to give thanks before meals? Perhaps genuine gratitude is part of the spiritual meals we are to eat in order for our souls or spirits to remain satisfied so we do not look to other things to feed our desires.

Prophetic Word Transcribed

Requested for a prophetic word through Gary Morse Ministries

Received it on 2/20/16 Saturday. I broke down when I heard it because it was so accurate and it felt like God was speaking to me directly. I've received prophetic words/ words of encouragement before, but it never really hit me the way this one did. I was really touched to hear God's words for me. sounds kinda weird, but the thought that came to me was that I really missed him. I never knew that I could miss God, but I missed him so much. it was as if after many years without contact, I finally got a phone call from him. Not sure about the part of the transition towards the end but I'm excited and hopeful for the months ahead.

Here it is transcribed exactly from the audio (imagine a man with a Southern accent):

Rebekah you are in a tremendous season of great transition and change. There was a time in your life when certain things happened, I'm just getting a picture now where you, your lives and those some people you were close to, your heart was connected to, lives went in different directions and at times there is you missed, there's times of sadness, even times of, you experienced some deep grief, but the LORD was there, he strengthened you and rose you up, and he carried you out from that place, and he set your feet on solid footing. I can also tell you that this last past season has been very trying for you, but the encouraging word for you is this, and I said it at the beginning - Joy.

The LORD said, I have heard your prayers, and your cries, and I know the things that you hold dear in your heart. And the LORD wants me to let you know and encourage you Rebekah that those prayers are about to become answered. They're like things stored up in a chest that has been shut up and locked and you tried so hard to get into the chest, but it wasn't the season, but I see a lock coming off of it, and it's not by your doing, it's by the hand of the LORD. He's removing the lock, and he's beginning to open the lid, and the LORD says in your eyes is gunna be filled with wonderment. I see you embracing loved ones. I see a reconnect as it were of some loved ones.

Also wanna encourage you and let you know that several things are about to take place and change in your life. I wouldn't, if I were you, I would not want to hold on to any one thing. I would give everything, just submit it all to the LORD because things are changing all around you. New plans are about to be revealed to you says the LORD. The LORD says I'm going to be revealing new plans. The LORD says for you Rebekah to get ready between now and the month of May or June. The LORD says I'm gunna begin touching your life with small blessings, each and everyday, or even during the week. And the LORD says do not look for them, the big monumental blessings, but the LORD says look for me. look for me in every detail of your life. each and every day. get a notepad and a pencil because see that's what you're good at. you're good at writing. get a notepad and pencil. and begin writing down what you hear. begin writing down what I say, says the LORD because I'm gunna begin revealing to you new revelation, new information. and I'm gunna begin bringing you out of the old and I'm gunna bring you into a new territory where your joy is going to be full. where your joy is going to be full. Amen.

Get ready. things are shifting. there's even gunna be somewhat of geographical shifting. you're probably thinking geographical. what does that mean? does that mean maybe where I live and how I live. well it very well may be but you know what. i don't know the details about that. only God does. you'll have to get that answer from him. and the best way to get that answer is don't hang on to nothing. don't say I don't wanna do that. you just say whatever you want from me because you created me and you know what's best for me. and you just surrender it all. and then the Holy Spirit will begin downloading the rest of the things. and he'll begin connecting the dots and you'll be blessed because of it.
"A person should be satisfied with a dream which is within one's reach. Because coveting a dream far away makes one only upset and heartbroken. Because empty passion leaves only heartache. That's why the stupidest thing in the world is unrequited love.

However, the reason that stupid unrequited love is worth giving a shot...
is because that passion sometimes creates a big miracle. Sometimes, the passion can go round and round, and at the end, achieve its goal. If it can't achieve the goal, passion gives you the chance to become happy being near to that dream.

Of course, such things really rarely happen. Unrequited love almost always fails. But because you're afraid of failure, and you're just worrying in advance what to do for a living without pursuing your passions, that's also a bit sad, isn't it? Rather than thinking only about what you can do, let's first think what you want to do. You have just one life."

-Reply 1997
"And also, to love someone, means that no matter how much pain, or grief, that person causes you, you find yourself wanting to hate them so can never bring yourself to hate them. To love someone doesn't mean that you don't hate them. It means you can't hate them" 

-Reply 1988