The Power of Believing
So every Tuesdays here at Rosemead we have Chapel. and today was a memorial chapel service for a faculty member who had recently passed away after battling cancer for 15 years.
To be honest I didn't think that I would get emotional because I didn't know her at all. But as people shared their memories about her and how she impacted their lives. I was so moved and tears just started to come out of my eyeballs....
she must have had a great character to be impacting the lives of people she hasn't even met...
the one thing that everyone mentioned was that when they were around this woman they felt so valued and special. that she believed in them. She saw the potential and good in them even when couldn't. not only that it wasn't faked but her warmth was genuine
it hurt my heart so much because at times I am so icy cold. I call myself the ice queen or joke around about how I have no heart. or how I'm such a jerk or insensitive. Queen of distancing. I like to make fun of people instead of encouraging them. I'm horrible at first impressions. and I look angry or bored most of the time (apparently I have severe downward curved lips, and there are plastic surgeries in Korea to fix that)
sometimes I try keep my mouth in "smile mode" but it hurts my chubby cheeks...
when I see people who are so warm, I want to have that warmth.
but I'm sure that if I had met this woman. she would have thought quite the opposite of me. she would have seen the potential for warmth in me.
sometimes all we need is for someone to believe in us.
two people I like in the bible is Abraham and Peter. and what I like about them is that God and Jesus changes their names. Abram--> Abraham (Father of a multitude) and Simon ---> Cephas/Peter (rock)
God believed in Abraham and brought forth his identity even before Abraham had his first son! even though Abraham messed up and instead of waiting for that promised child, he had Ishmael, and deceived Pharaoh and Abimalech (I probably spelled that wrong) about Sarah being his wife and disobeyed God by bring Lot along with him. God still fulfilled his promise in Abraham. And Abraham ended up sacrificing his son to God in faith! the guy who was unsure about God giving him a son and God protecting him, later on does something so bold. And because of that all the nations are blessed through him. And he really does become the father of many! And Abraham is credited as righteous through his faith.
Jesus believed in Peter before he even started his discipleship with him. Peter the one who was so rash and had so little faith. Peter who claimed that he would die for Jesus, and then betrayed him three times. But before all that even happened, Jesus spoke life and truth into him. He proclaimed that Peter's true identity -that he is rock. He is a stable leader that will build the foundations of the church.
there have been times in my life in which I questioned whether I was even worthy of serving or being a leader. worthy of doing anything for the kingdom. worthy of even being a child of God. but during those times God put people in my life who believed in me and wouldn't let me give up.
God gave me second chances and forgave me. He believed in me when I couldn't believe in myself.
And throughout my life I realized that I also need to keep believing in Him. that He will finish the work He began in me. I guess it's funny one of the main things that Jesus tells us to do is to BELIEVE in him.
why is it that we act like we got to do this all on our own...
maybe I wasn't able to make others feel valued because I didn't feel valued....
oooooh getting all psychological....we'll save that for later....
but anyways I think that when people believe in you, you begin to change naturally...
I know that God believes in me and I need to spend time reflecting on my true identity again.
the person God intended me to be.
I know that there is a Rebekah who is warm and friendly. Who will also speak life and truth in others and believe in them.
To be honest I didn't think that I would get emotional because I didn't know her at all. But as people shared their memories about her and how she impacted their lives. I was so moved and tears just started to come out of my eyeballs....
she must have had a great character to be impacting the lives of people she hasn't even met...
the one thing that everyone mentioned was that when they were around this woman they felt so valued and special. that she believed in them. She saw the potential and good in them even when couldn't. not only that it wasn't faked but her warmth was genuine
it hurt my heart so much because at times I am so icy cold. I call myself the ice queen or joke around about how I have no heart. or how I'm such a jerk or insensitive. Queen of distancing. I like to make fun of people instead of encouraging them. I'm horrible at first impressions. and I look angry or bored most of the time (apparently I have severe downward curved lips, and there are plastic surgeries in Korea to fix that)
sometimes I try keep my mouth in "smile mode" but it hurts my chubby cheeks...
when I see people who are so warm, I want to have that warmth.
but I'm sure that if I had met this woman. she would have thought quite the opposite of me. she would have seen the potential for warmth in me.
sometimes all we need is for someone to believe in us.
two people I like in the bible is Abraham and Peter. and what I like about them is that God and Jesus changes their names. Abram--> Abraham (Father of a multitude) and Simon ---> Cephas/Peter (rock)
God believed in Abraham and brought forth his identity even before Abraham had his first son! even though Abraham messed up and instead of waiting for that promised child, he had Ishmael, and deceived Pharaoh and Abimalech (I probably spelled that wrong) about Sarah being his wife and disobeyed God by bring Lot along with him. God still fulfilled his promise in Abraham. And Abraham ended up sacrificing his son to God in faith! the guy who was unsure about God giving him a son and God protecting him, later on does something so bold. And because of that all the nations are blessed through him. And he really does become the father of many! And Abraham is credited as righteous through his faith.
Jesus believed in Peter before he even started his discipleship with him. Peter the one who was so rash and had so little faith. Peter who claimed that he would die for Jesus, and then betrayed him three times. But before all that even happened, Jesus spoke life and truth into him. He proclaimed that Peter's true identity -that he is rock. He is a stable leader that will build the foundations of the church.
there have been times in my life in which I questioned whether I was even worthy of serving or being a leader. worthy of doing anything for the kingdom. worthy of even being a child of God. but during those times God put people in my life who believed in me and wouldn't let me give up.
God gave me second chances and forgave me. He believed in me when I couldn't believe in myself.
And throughout my life I realized that I also need to keep believing in Him. that He will finish the work He began in me. I guess it's funny one of the main things that Jesus tells us to do is to BELIEVE in him.
why is it that we act like we got to do this all on our own...
maybe I wasn't able to make others feel valued because I didn't feel valued....
oooooh getting all psychological....we'll save that for later....
but anyways I think that when people believe in you, you begin to change naturally...
I know that God believes in me and I need to spend time reflecting on my true identity again.
the person God intended me to be.
I know that there is a Rebekah who is warm and friendly. Who will also speak life and truth in others and believe in them.
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